Discovering Koselig: Embracing the Danish Philosophy of Life for Wellness and Happiness

2023-04-22 10:58:36

If you thought he ‘top’ in Norse was to spend hours and hours in Ikeawe want you to know that there are new horizons to discover. Have you heard about hygge, the happiness in the little things? Is a danish philosophy of life and a charming idea that emphasizes comfort, warmth, relaxation and the joy of the most everyday moments. If that doesn’t ring a bell, we’ll tell you that it’s pronounced “hoo-gee” (but it’s better than that). listen here) and it is a wellness trend that crossed borders a few years ago. Although the word itself has no translation, it comes to mean something like “cozy”, everyone liked it and it is everywhere. The same thing happens with him Cozyother habit coming hard from the north.

Nordic citizens are the happiest in the world. In fact, several studies point out that Finland is the happiest country on the planetin front of Denmark, Swiss e Iceland. Although Norway does not top the list, that’s where the cosythe method for reduce stress.

Like hygge, the koselig concept does not have an easy translation either. In fact, there is no specific word that defines it, it would be a mix between pleasant, welfare and being in a situation where a person feels comfortable, relaxed and free.

What is koselig?

The koselig is a kind of scandinavian secret to beat the seasonal depression and the seasonal affective disorder. Wow, that comes from pearls for leave winter behind y embrace the spring. Get over the dark and cold evenings and enjoy the long and pleasant days.

Specifically, it is about creating warmth from within y experience the present. If possible, in company. Because the pleasure of sharing a pleasant environment with the people you care about is part of that long-awaited happiness of the little things.

However, that interior is not like hygge, which has its heart in the houses. That is, to modify the external environment to generate internal well-being, to make the house a refuge. Either with candles or flowers, perfuming the rooms or choosing a friendly and comforting decor.

A more active and free life

An electric cosy it’s about dating instead of staying, for example, on the sofa, curled up in a blanket with a good cup of coffee or tea and watching Netflix. It focuses more on one connection with nature and with the social relationships. Seek that society lead a more active life. That in Norway is quite a challenge, due to the cold and the few hours of daylight that the country has in winter. If they can do it, we can too.

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