Do you know how “prebiotics” and “probiotics” benefit the body?

Many people may have heard of “Probiotics” and “Prebiotics” which the difference between these two Bumrungrad Hospital described as “Probiotics” Probiotics are small, good living microorganisms found in foods such as fermented milk, yogurt, kimchi, miso, etc. Eat and make them healthy. can bind to the intestinal mucosa produce antimicrobial agents or eliminate other types of microorganisms including causing health benefits

while “Prebiotics” (Prebiotics) is a food. is inanimate which the body cannot digest and absorb in the small intestine These foods are thus able to enter the colon in an unchanged form. and will be decomposed by bacteria “Probiotics” stimulate the growth and function of bacteria. It is found in onions, garlic, soybeans, red beans, and fiber in fruits and vegetables.

“Simply put, “prebiotics” are the food of “probiotics”, so eating prebiotics will help promote the effect of probiotics better. climb”

Probiotic products continue to grow

product market Probiotics Continued growth. In 2020, the product market is worth over $2.3 billion. Most of the products are used to relieve symptoms. or treating diseases or symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract But in the future it is expected that the market will be bigger Because the benefits of this group of products have begun to be studied extensively, such as boosting the immune system. control weight Improve the performance of the heart and blood vessels Including adjusting mood, reducing depression, however, currently there is research that comes out. Probiotics that contain Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) helps to prevent post covid syndrome.

“Pakakrong Kwankhao” Head of the Evidence Center for Thai Traditional Medicine and Herbs Chao Phraya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital provides information that due to the fact that nowadays people are easily sick, food is medicine, therefore it is necessary to promote good health. What is useful is herbs which if used to make food that is beneficial to health It is an option that people can easily access, which “probiotics” will be the trend of the world. Because the bacteria in the food will help the digestive system. And there is also research to help with coronary heart disease. While Japan is currently researching food to help with depression.

“Overseas, there is a lot of interest in this issue, such as Korea. There is kimchi, which is a food that has been studied. There are many health benefits. There is a research center dedicated to this subject, so if Thailand turns to do this, it will help make Thai food more valuable. This leads to food research studies that will make the intestinal microflora grow well. also known as “Prebiotics” which in Thai pickles have this one, but not much.

Benefits Prebiotics

for the sake of “Prebiotics” In the digestive tract contains

1. help digestion microorganisms in the digestive tract Help digest nutrients that the body can’t digest. or incomplete digestion

2. Produce vitamins such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, vitamin E, vitamin K, pantothenic acid and folic acid, etc. If the lack of these bacteria can lead to vitamin deficiency.

3. Stimulate intestinal peristalsis resulting in better stool excretion no residual stool returned to the body as toxic

4. inhibit pathogens By producing lactic acid to prevent contact between pathogens and the intestinal wall. including other bacteria that enter the body through various channels, such as coming with food

5. Enhance the function of the immune system. It helps the immune system to detect pathogens better. and secretion of hormones that cause allergies decreased

9 vegetables, high in prebiotics

In the past, 52 vegetable samples were collected in the market for extraction and laboratory testing. Nine of them were found to be highly effective in promoting microbial growth, namely lotus seed, wild yam, white turmeric, old ginger and ginger. Young, shallots, noni, okra, galangal, and lemongrass, followed by tiger yam, yam, chestnut, cabbage, okra, zucchini, cabbage, papaya, lotus root/lai, radish, pumpkin and onion.

The study was carried out to test the growth of the germ and lead to the development of a total of 100 recipes. Vegetables with very good prebiotic properties were selected for cooking, then brought back. go test again

by the results of the qualifying food test Prebiotics Very good was stir-fried crispy chestnuts, fried rice with shrimp paste, vermicelli dessert, followed by lemongrass salad with fresh shrimp, chicken cooked in pumpkin, sea bass, fried okra, water chestnuts, papaya salad, stir-fried lotus root with fish sauce, Kanom Jeen with wild curry, fried radish, and simmered soy bean paste.

Take probiotics when needed.

However, taking probiotics may not work for everyone. Especially if the person who eats is in good health, and the treatment or prevention is also specific to the type of infection, such as lactobacillus pantalum used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, so if you want to eat, you must choose the right one. And probiotic products are expensive. eating probiotics Should eat when symptoms There is research to support that the good bacteria are effective or have symptoms indicating an imbalance in the intestinal microflora.

These symptoms include bloating, diarrhea, constipation, skin rashes. Without knowing the cause, exhaustion, but eating good organic matter may not be effective for everyone. Because there are still 2 important factors, namely the ecosystem of the infection in each person with different behaviors and genetics that are born.

Therefore, it brings to the basic knowledge which is holistic health care such as bowel movements. With exercise and walking, good bacteria can grow and multiply easily. Adequate sleep is not stressful. Stress reduces good bacteria. Eating foods that contain good bacteria known as “prebiotics”

Probiotics in “Thai Pickles”

even though “Probiotics” It is likely to be used to treat a wide variety of diseases. but being used in the treatment It also depends on many factors. But if in the future if we can detect what infection in the intestine is there and which one is less or more? will encourage it to be effective, but in the meantime may choose a health care method food before especially vegetables and herbs

including fermented food that is not just Thailand But in foreign countries, they have this food group. A systematic research was collected and found that the benefits of local fermented foods include antioxidants. lower blood pressure It helps the good bacteria make vitamins and digest proteins better.

past Chao Phraya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital used to send pickles Kasetsart University study found that 58 pickled vegetables, all of which had at least 2 types of good cultures, while pickled burrs and pickled onions found 4 types of good cultures.

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