Effective Ways to Quit Smoking: Including Nicotine-rich Vegetables and Fruits

2023-10-02 06:31:59

Quitting smoking is considered one of the most difficult tasks in which smokers try various ways and means to achieve fruitful results in which they stay away from the most harmful habits to health.

Nicotine can affect brain function, narrow blood vessels, and increase blood pressure and heart rate.

According to the British newspaper The Sun, nicotine is present in small amounts in some vegetables and fruits, and eating these types can help smokers quit their addiction.


Each gram of eggplant contains 100 micrograms of nicotine.

However, you would need to eat 10 kg of eggplant to consume the same amount of nicotine as in a cigarette.


One potato contains about 15 micrograms of nicotine.


green pepper

Green peppers can contain between 7.7 to 9.2 micrograms of nicotine.


A medium-sized tomato contains about 7.1 micrograms of nicotine.


Some brewed and instant teas (black and green) can contain nicotine.

What to stay away from?

An old study found that meat products, coffee, and alcohol make cigarettes taste better, so eating these things may remind you of smoking.

According to the American Cancer Society, spicy and sugary foods tend to make people crave cigarettes more.

So, replacing your coffee with something else, such as green tea, may help with a new, healthier habit.

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#quit #smoking…foods #nicotine #difference

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