Eid Al-Fitr is a Moment for Reconciliation After the 2024 Presidential Election – 2024-04-12 05:54:50

Megawati and Prabowo Subianto (Antara)

Populi Center political observer Usep Saepul Ahyar said that the atmosphere of the Eid al-Fitr holiday should be used as a momentum for elite political parties (political parties) as well as presidential candidates (capres) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) who are competing in the 2024 presidential election to carry out national reconciliation.

Usep argued that based on the arguments put forward by the petitioners from the Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar legal team and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, they were considered weak and had the potential to be rejected by the Constitutional Court (MK), therefore there was no other choice but to carry out reconciliation as a way right to build unity in the future.

“I don’t think the arguments submitted to the Constitutional Court today are very strong and I see all these assumptions without strong evidence,” said Usep, Thursday (11/4).

Usep added that reconciliation can begin by admitting defeat and acknowledging the opponent’s victory, although it does not rule out the possibility that reconciliation will involve bargaining for office, especially from political party elites who do not have a tradition of being in opposition.

“Especially for those who don’t have a tradition of opposition, reconciliation might be better if the bargaining position is high or expensive,” he said.

But for Usep, reconciliation does not mean attracting all political parties to enter government, space must be given to political parties who wish to be in opposition as a mechanism for realizing democratic government.

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“In my opinion, everything is withdrawn by the government, there’s no need. If there is one party that dares to be hungry, I think the opposition will also gain respect in the eyes of this community,” he said.

Usep continued to say that the elite should be willing to accept it, because the grass root community is considered to have accepted the results of the presidential election announced by the General Election Commission (KPU) some time ago.

Usep believes that demonstrations or protests carried out by a small portion of society are normal, he sees that the wave of protests is not as massive and does not grow organically as during the 2014 or 2019 presidential elections.

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“The people’s movement, the community movement saw waves in the context of society, which were not as fierce as in 2014 and 2019, in those years it was clear that the people’s movement, the community movement saw waves that were very fierce, whereas now it is normal,” he said.

Apart from that, Usep suspects that political maneuvers were carried out by political party elites to increase the bargaining price and at the same time carry out political ’rounds’ before the elected president and vice president were inaugurated and the ministers were definitively appointed to the new government.

“In the context of this political series, it is for political patrols so that issues submitted to the Constitutional Court do not die out, just like the right to inquiry, even though the right to inquiry with the political process is also, in my opinion, perhaps a bit difficult, although it will probably be maintained continuously,” he explained.

“Meanwhile, several parties have also turned around the issue a bit, then in order to maintain their political spirit so that it is not quickly forgotten, that’s the case for me, because it’s still a long process, it has to be a long time, in October the president will be inaugurated, then the cabinet ministers will be announced,” he said. (Z-8)

#Eid #AlFitr #Moment #Reconciliation #Presidential #Election

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