Empress Masako’s Entrance Ceremony Fashion | Aiko’s Growth at the Adult Press Conference (1/2) | 8760 by postseven

Masako-sama, a refreshing entrance ceremony outfit with a white dress and jacket (April 11, 2006, Ph / JMPA)

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The eldest daughter of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress, Aiko, was the first adult royal family to attend a press conference at the Imperial Palace on the 17th. At the press conference, Aiko said, “I want to cherish each and every task.” This time, pay attention to Aiko’s “Spring Gate” entrance ceremony. We look back on Empress Masako’s sophisticated fashion and her growth from episodes of Aiko’s kindergarten and school life.

At the entrance ceremony of the kindergarten, a white dress and a jacket

In April 2006, His Majesty the Emperor (then the Crown Prince) and Masako attended the entrance ceremony of Aiko’s Gakushuin Kindergarten.

Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress and Aiko attending the entrance ceremony of Aiko's Gakushuin Kindergarten in April 2006.
Entrance ceremony style with white as the leading role in bags and shoes tightened in black (April 11, 2006, Ph / JMPA)

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Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress and Aiko attending the entrance ceremony of Aiko's Gakushuin Kindergarten in April 2006.
His Majesty’s chest chief is piping and linking Aiko’s uniform (April 11, 2006, Ph / JMPA)

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One month before the entrance ceremony, Aiko seemed to be more imposing than nervous, probably because she and Masako participated in the Hinamatsuri in the kindergarten. In addition, it was impressive to see Masako holding a handmade bag with embroidery in her hand and holding hands with Masako to go to the park energetically.

Masako was wearing the same white jacket as a beautifully shaped white dress. The collar, hem and cuffs of the jacket have a edging design to emphasize the feeling. The shoes and bag were black, and the chest was fitted with a pearl necklace.

→ Click here for Masako’s pearl fashion collection

For the entrance ceremony of the elementary school, wear a crisp white suit and black accessories

In April 2008, His Majesty the Emperor (then the Crown Prince) and Masako attended the entrance ceremony of Aiko’s Gakushuin Elementary School. At this time, Masako had selected “white” as well.

In April 2008, His Majesty the Emperor (then the Crown Prince), Masako, and Aiko attended the entrance ceremony of Aiko's Gakushuin Elementary School.
Aiko-sama, who looks good in a sailor suit and a red scarf uniform (April 10, 2008, Ph / JMPA)

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In April 2008, His Majesty the Emperor (then the Crown Prince), Masako, and Aiko attended the entrance ceremony of Aiko's Gakushuin Elementary School.
A radiant “starting fashion” in contrast to the weather (April 10, 2008, Ph / JMPA)

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Masako and Aiko attended the entrance ceremony of Aiko's Gakushuin Elementary School in April 2008.
Masako is accented with pearl rings and earrings (April 10, 2008, Ph / JMPA)

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In elementary school, Aiko, who belonged to the basketball club. At her sophomore athletic meet, it was widely reported that she participated in the relay, won a come-from-behind victory, and decided on a guts pose.

At the entrance ceremony, Masako had a white setup with a collarless jacket that looked a little like a stand-up collar and a tight skirt with a length below the knee. The accessories were a small black bag and pumps, the hairstyle was half-up, and the pearl earrings and rings were matched, and the coordination was crisp and crisp.

The entrance ceremony of junior high school is linked with sailor suit

In April 2014, Masako wore a navy suit instead of white at the entrance ceremony of the Gakushuin Girls’ Secondary School.

Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress and Aiko attending the entrance ceremony of the Gakushuin Girls' Secondary School in April 2014.
Aiko who is taller (April 6, 2014, Ph / JMPA)

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Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress and Aiko attending the entrance ceremony of the Gakushuin Girls' Secondary School in April 2014.
Mr. and Mrs. Aiko, who were watching over on both sides, smiled from beginning to end (April 6, 2014, Ph / JMPA)

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Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress and Aiko attending the entrance ceremony of the Gakushuin Girls' Secondary School in April 2014.
His Majesty the Emperor (then the Crown Prince), Masako and Aiko (April 6, 2014, Ph / JMPA) heading to the entrance ceremony of junior high school with a smile.

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On the day of the entrance ceremony of the Gakushuin Girls’ Secondary School, Aiko clearly answered “I’m looking forward to it” when asked “How are you feeling now?” In the interview in front of the school gate.

In July of this year, the family visited the outer and inner shrines of Ise Jingu, which was the first visit for Aiko. During the summer vacation, I spent a junior high school life enthusiastic about experiential learning about languages ​​and culture, such as participating in a summer training program in the UK.

At the entrance ceremony, Masako wore a navy suit, but the jacket was designed to look like the same kindergarten graduation ceremony with white broadcloth added. The design was sometimes as glamorous as an accessory, and the accessories were modest, with only earrings and rings, and the shoes and bags were chosen to be simple.

→ Click here for Masako’s graduation / graduation fashion

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