ESG x sustainability: what’s the difference?

2023-12-11 19:14:21

In recent years, the terms ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and sustainability have been widely discussed in the business world. Although often confused, these concepts have their own characteristics and are fundamental to the development of a responsible and sustainable business model.

In this article, we will explore the difference between ESG and sustainability, highlighting their definitions, objectives and how they relate. We will analyze the specific approaches of each and how they contribute to creating value for companies, as well as for society and the environment.

What is ESG?

The term ESG refers to the environmental, social and corporate governance criteria that companies use to evaluate their performance and impact in various areas. These criteria are used by investors and the financial market to assess the sustainability and responsibility of companies.


Firstly, the environmental aspect of ESG relates to a company’s practices in relation to protecting the environment. This includes measures to reduce carbon emissions, conservation of natural resources, waste management, energy efficiency and adoption of renewable energy.


The social aspect of ESG involves how a company interacts with its employees, local communities and other stakeholders. This includes promoting diversity and inclusion, occupational health and safety, respect for human rights and community engagement.


The governance aspect of ESG refers to a company’s practices and policies in relation to its management and governance structure. This includes transparency in accountability, business ethics, board independence and risk management.

What is Sustainability?

Sustainability is a broader concept and encompasses the search for balance between economic, social and environmental development. It is the ability to meet current needs without compromising future generations.

Dimensions of Sustainability

Sustainability is made up of several interconnected dimensions:

  1. Environmental: involves the conservation of natural resources, the protection of biodiversity, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the mitigation of climate change.
  2. Social: refers to the promotion of equality, social justice, respect for human rights, improving the quality of life and well-being of communities.
  3. Economic: seeks economic prosperity in a sustainable way, promoting job creation, local economic development and the fair distribution of resources.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In order to guide actions and initiatives towards sustainability, the United Nations (UN) established the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals cover areas such as poverty eradication, quality education, gender equality, clean energy, decent work, reducing inequalities and climate action.

Relationship between ESG and Sustainability

Although ESG and sustainability are distinct concepts, they are interconnected and complement each other. ESG is a tool that helps measure and evaluate a company’s performance against environmental, social and governance criteria. On the other hand, sustainability is the strategic vision of a company in search of a business model that is economically viable, socially fair and environmentally responsible.

Contribution to Value Creation

Both ESG and sustainability have as their main objective the creation of value for companies and society as a whole. By adopting ESG practices, companies can reduce risks, attract responsible investors and improve their reputation. Through sustainability, companies can differentiate themselves in the market, gain consumer trust and promote a positive impact on society and the environment.

Integration of Practices

To achieve effective results, it is essential that companies integrate ESG and sustainability into all areas of their operations. This involves developing policies and practices that promote sustainable innovation, responsible management of natural resources, transparency in relationships with stakeholders and the promotion of an ethical and inclusive business culture.


In short, although ESG and sustainability are different concepts, they are intrinsically linked and are fundamental to the development of a responsible and sustainable business model. ESG provides specific criteria to evaluate companies’ performance in relation to environmental, social and governance aspects. Sustainability encompasses a broader approach, seeking a balance between economic, social and environmental development.

Therefore, by adopting ESG and sustainability practices, companies can create value for themselves, their stakeholders and society as a whole. These concepts offer opportunities to drive innovation, attract responsible investment and earn consumer trust.

Therefore, it is essential that companies understand the difference between ESG and sustainability and integrate these concepts into their business strategy. In doing so, they will not only be contributing to a more sustainable future, but also strengthening their market position and ensuring their own long-term sustainability.

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The post ESG x sustainability: what’s the difference? appeared first on Renova Invest.

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