Fifty-year-old problems – 5 diseases that may affect you

I wrote – Hoda Abdel Nasser:

Public health must be taken care of after reaching the age of fifty, by adopting a healthy lifestyle, because at this age stage – and beyond – the risk of contracting a group of diseases increases.

In the following report, “The Consulto” reviews diseases that are more common at the age of fifty, according to “WebMD”.

Also read: After the age of fifty – necessary examinations to check on your health

Common diseases at the age of fifty

1- High blood pressure

It is a common disease at the age of fifty, because with age, blood vessels become less flexible, which leads to high blood pressure, but by following some guidelines, it can be avoided, most notably:

Maintaining body weight.

– Quit Smoking.

– Regular exercise.

Stop consuming salt and foods rich in it.

– good nutrition.

Control stress by practicing meditation and relaxation exercises, such as yoga.

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2- Diabetes

Advance age is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, as it is diagnosed in one in 10 elderly people, and more serious health problems, such as heart, kidney and retinal diseases, result from it.

Therefore, blood sugar must be checked periodically, and a doctor’s review immediately, if there is a disorder in its levels.

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3- Heart disease

From the age of 40 to 60, people become more susceptible to cardiovascular disease, which threatens men by 6.3% and women by 5.6%.

Also read: After the age of fifty – what do you do to keep your heart healthy?

4- Osteoporosis

With age, bone density decreases, so it is more susceptible to fractures and fragility, especially if a person suffers from arthritis and is not interested in treatment, follows an unhealthy diet, or is obese.

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5- Hearing loss

Hearing impairment is one of the expected problems with age, therefore, an otolaryngologist should be consulted as soon as it occurs, to obtain appropriate medications, because neglecting treatment may lead to deafness.

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