Fitness: keys to start and recommended exercises – Health

More and more people are aware of the benefits of sport and a good diet to promote the care of body and mind. Nevertheless, One of the great challenges when exercising is precisely starting. How to start creating a sports routine? How much time do you have to dedicate? What other aspects, in addition to the exercises, must be taken into account? Juice Plus+, an expert health and wellness firm, answers these questions with tips that you can follow if you start training at the start of the new year and want to get the most out of your sports routine.

(Also read: Experts recommend a gradual effort to lose weight after Christmas excesses)

One step at a time

In order not to give up in the attempt due to sudden changes, it is best to start a fitness lifestyle from less to more. At the beginning it is all motivation and will that is reflected in wanting to do everything and quickly. Take it easy and get your mind and body to the state you want to be. For example, don’t abruptly stop eating that candy bar you love and savor so much after lunch. Start by reducing daily servings. Likewise with getting up early to exercise. Do not get frustrated if you cannot wake up at the desired time, the important thing is to gradually adapt your body to morning physical activity.

Varied exercises

Combining different types of exercises is highly recommended, especially if you are just starting out. Alternating cardio with strength or flexibility activities will help you cover the entire spectrum, avoid boredom, and allow you to discover what type of exercise works best for you. It will help you build your own routine. Some exercises to start can be:

Lasso jumps: It seems simple, but it brings you great benefits, such as working all the muscles in the body, burning calories, strengthening bone structure, improving reflexes or developing balance. It also strengthens the heart. Jump with different speed intervals and pauses.

‘Spinning’: Spinning is the perfect workout to burn fat while working your muscles. Contributes to eliminate cellulite. Motivates and entertains since it is usually done in a group. This brings a desire to improve, social relationships and teamwork. Cardiovascular resistance and speed are other things that are worked on.

irons: Planks are a great exercise to work the abdomen. In addition, they can be performed with dead weights to enhance the effects. It is a comfortable exercise to perform at home. There are many valid alternatives beyond the normal and side plank. Other variants are raised leg planks, Spiderman planks (as a climber), side planks with hip elevation, plank walking, among others.

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Give space to rest

A good rest is key to the recovery of the body after exercise. In addition, it helps to ensure better results and avoid injuries. Thus, it is important to organize your routine in such a way that it includes moments for activity and relaxation. It is also advisable to rest for one or two days, after several days in a row exercising. Thus, combining rest, training and nutrition, you will be able to succeed in your fitness routine.


Food is a key factor in fitness life. Increasing healthy foods, incorporating more fruits and vegetables, proteins or nuts, and eating all the meals of the day (three to six) is the ideal way to start maintaining a balanced diet. In addition, to improve your performance in sports, while taking care of your diet, food supplements that provide extra nutrients can become a great ally.

Reflect on the process

Leading a fitness lifestyle is not just a physical process, but a mental one, of personal objectives and goals. Because It is important to open space for reflection on what has been achieved and what is failing, to identify errors and find solutions or a change in attitude. The important thing is to understand your own abilities and what can be achieved with them.

Market changes

Just as food is essential to lead a fitness life, shopping in the market is key to success with this step. Reduce the purchase of ultra-processed products and, instead, fill your cart with vegetables, fruits, proteins and good fats for a balanced diet.

(Also read: Five mistakes made when starting the gym: take care of your health)

Focus beyond weight

Every metabolism and every body is different, listen to yours. Give yourself time, train and eat healthy. Take small steps little by little, don’t compare yourself to anyone, and don’t get hung up on the scale. Weight will not determine your progress, what is necessary is to work on the idea of ​​feeling better and full of energy, changing unfavorable habits, to gain quality of life.

achievable goals

The Smart method in training is the key to achieving the goals that one sets for himself. To do this, a final goal must be clarified, and divided into several small and consecutive goals, through an achievable action plan that allows the results to be measured. In addition, it is important to set goals in a realistic and achievable period of time. This will help you establish a routine, prepare yourself mentally, and gain real commitment. In this way, you will ensure success.


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