Five vitamins are important nutritional supplements for males that everyone should consider taking!

Al-Marsad newspaper: Express revealed the benefits of five vitamins that all men should consider taking.

– Vitamin D)

recommend NHS All adult men and women took 10 micrograms of vitamin D supplements daily between October and March.

In general, vitamin D is essential for maintaining healthy bones, muscles, and teeth (regardless of your gender). It does this by promoting calcium absorption in the intestine, which helps maintain calcium and phosphate levels.

There may be an additional benefit for men, although some studies suggest that vitamin D can boost testosterone levels.

Testosterone regulates sexual desire, bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, and production of red blood cells and sperm in men.


Magnesium regulates muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels and blood pressure, and helps you make protein.

Magnesium also appears to support testosterone production, with one research study showing that increasing your intake can raise testosterone levels within a month.

Magnesium intake can also help with symptoms of andropause, such as lack of sleep, low energy and fatigue.

– Omega 3

These are polyunsaturated fatty acids that we need for many different things, but especially for heart health.

According to experts in Take Care OfHowever, most men consume more inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids than is considered healthy. This includes things like refined vegetable oils, mayonnaise, and selected nuts.

And if you don’t get enough omega-3s, which are powerful anti-inflammatory and also good for brain health, you increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.

Saw Palmetto

This berry has been used for centuries as a remedy for problems with the reproductive system and urinary tract.

According to the team in Take Care Ofthe tut Saw Palmetto It has been traditionally used for prostate health for many years.

Early clinical data indicate that the extract of Saw Palmetto It may help support prostate health, but the largest and most recent clinical data has not supported its effectiveness.

However, you can take supplements Saw Palmetto To improve urinary function, stop hair loss, support prostate and sperm health, and regulate testosterone levels.

Dispensary Healthline Compounds in berries are supposed to inhibit 5-activity.alpha reductaseIt is an enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into DHT.

This is why it is believed that natural therapy can help you maintain testosterone levels as you age, and this can also lead to improvements in body composition, libido and mood.

– boron

It can be found in things like apples, raisins, some nuts, prunes, chickpeas, and coffee, but it’s also available in supplement form and can help with testosterone production.

And if you don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, you likely have low levels of boron (which is true for many men).

Boron is a popular supplement for men with erectile dysfunction or low testosterone, but you should always speak to a doctor before adding it to your diet because it may have some unpleasant side effects.

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