Flu shots can reduce the risk of stroke

A total of 41.4 percent of people who suffered a stroke were vaccinated against influenza. In comparison: “Only” 40.5 percent of people who had not suffered a stroke had received a flu vaccination.

However, the people who received the vaccine tended to be older and had other medical conditions such as window.dataLayer.push(event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘https://www.rtl.de/cms/gesundheitslexikon-hoher-blutdruck-hypertonie-bluthochdruck-4046729.html’))()”> Bluthochdruck and high cholesterol. Both health problems that increase the risk of stroke.

After accounting for these factors, the researchers found that those who had received a flu shot were 12 percent less likely to have a stroke than those who had not received the shot. “This observational study suggests that people who get vaccinated against influenza have a lower risk of stroke,” concludes de Abajo.

The study results have now been published in the medical journal “Neurology” of the American Academy of Neurology.

Reading Tip: window.dataLayer.push(event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘https://www.rtl.de/cms/cholesterin-senken-dies-lebensmittel-druecken-den-cholesterinspiegel-nach -below-2867175.html’))()”> Lower cholesterol: These are the right foods

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