Football clubs get involved in the ballot and reject public limited companies

2023-11-11 20:00:00

Football clubs got fully involved in the 2023 runoff next Sunday, November 19, which will define whether the next president of the Argentines is Sergio Massa and Javier Milei. Through social networks, various institutions made public his rejection of the entry of the SAD (sports corporations)a proposal that the libertarian candidate had suggested following the English model of the Premier League.

The statement was made after a video circulated in which mercy He was in favor of the English model of football management which is through public limited companies. For this reason, clubs from different categories spoke out against it. On the other hand, the idea of ​​privatizing clubs is an old desire of Mauricio Macri since his time as a leader, when he presided over Boca Juniors.

Boca, San Lorenzo, River, Independiente and Racing are some of the big teams that published their repudiation online. It should be noted that the President of the AFA, Claudio “Chiqui” Tapia, is a person close to the Unión por la Patria candidate, Sergio Massa, so it was to be expected that he would lean in favor of the current Minister of Economy.

“When I look at you, you remind me and the Executive Committee here when I had to preside over the AFA in 2017 and you know how Argentine football was. That’s why there is an enormous challenge when it’s your turn to lead this country,” Tapia had told him. to Massa when the 2030 World Cup was announced, in a clear sign of support.

Riquelme shoots, while Macri and Angelici put together a large opposition front

At the moment, Clubs are non-profit civil associations that belong to the members.. “Faithful to its origins, respectful of the clear principles defended for almost 120 years, Boca Juniors ratifies its character as a non-profit Civil Association and the premise that our club belongs to its people, members who make it more every day.” The life of Boca Juniors is inextricably linked to the place where it was born, grew up and took on the dimension that today has made it a popular movement recognized in the world. That is why it will always be committed to the social reality where it develops its sports and activities. Convinced of the transcendent function that clubs have fulfilled in Argentina for more than a centuryBoca Juniors expresses itself against any initiative that implies its privatization or sale“, they pointed out from the Xeneize club.

Football Clubs against the SAD

Different promotion clubs were not exempt from this controversy and made their position clear. “From the Board of Directors of Club Atlético All Boys we believe and fervently defend the social role that the clubs have. From the first day we took office we said NO to Sports Joint Stock Companies (SAD),” All Boys emphasized.

Colón, Unión, Rosario Central, Ferro, Almagro, Nueva Chicago, Quilmes and Almirante Brown also expressed themselves in the same sense.

Football Clubs against the SAD

The Tristán Suárez club went further with its position: “We, the leaders of the football clubs We have the obligation to openly support the candidacy of Sergio Massa as President of the Republic. The clubs have an enormous responsibility in the support and development of the boys and girls of the neighborhoods.”

Football Clubs against the SAD

Finally, Independent also came out to question Milei, even though its president is Nestor Grindetti, former candidate for governor of the province of Buenos Aires on Patricia Bullrich’s list who aligned himself with La Libertad Avanza.

Football Clubs against the SAD

Cherquis Bialo asked to support Massa

The renowned journalist Ernesto Cherquis Bialowho was spokesperson for the AFA during the time of Julio Grondona, expressed himself exasperated in a radio program: ““Support Massa, don’t come at me with pusillanimous lukewarmness.”.

“Don’t tell me on Monday that we congratulate the president, Sergio Massa, support him now, because he is a soccer president, he is a man from the kidney of soccer, he is a guy who knows everything,” he emphasized.

“I know, I have participated in meetings in the Argentine Football Association on the occasion of the triangular match, the one between Tigre, Boca and San Lorenzo, I know how it acts Massa, is a football man who wants it as institutions at the service of communities for children, for schools, for physical education“Don’t come with this pusillanimous lukewarmness from the Argentine soccer leaders, they are all silent, we don’t say anything, when someone wins we go and tell them that we support them,” he developed.

“Enough of pandering, enough of waiting to see who exercises power and then running and asking on your knees for an audience with the President of the Republic so that he does not take the benefits from us, so that we can continue receiving things from the States, from the municipalities” , he concluded.

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