For diabetics.. 6 foods you can eat during the winter

Diabetes is a chronic disease that results from a lifelong condition in which a person’s body is unable to produce or use insulin in an effective manner.Diabetics It plays a vital role in managing the disease efficiently for a longer period, its levels in the blood must be constantly monitored, and the patient must be aware of the glycemic index of the foods he eats called “GI”.

And about that, the “Times of India” website lists 6 foods for diabetics that they can eat during the winter without fear of high blood levels, and diabetics should always keep their dishes full of unprocessed, natural and seasoned foods, and from the following foods:

boiled rice

Boiled rice is one of the favorite foods for diabetics, due to its high protein content and low glycemic index, so it is highly recommended for diabetic patients.

healthy oils

Healthy oils should be added to the diet of diabetics, which are liquid at room temperature, and nuts, which are also a source of oils, should be included in the daily diet.

Low-fat dairy products

You can eat low-fat dairy products such as cheese and yogurt, especially if you are lactose intolerant, switch to lactose-free products.

the fruit

No food menu is complete without fruits, these very rich sources of antioxidants not only control blood sugar but also provide a good source of energy.


Chickpeas are a great food source for those with diabetes, you can either eat them plain or make them a little spicy.


Another useful and healthy food for diabetics, barley has a low glycemic index (GIVE) and beta-glucan which improves blood sugar control.


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