For healthy nails and hair: Don’t give up on these foods!

Nail breakage and hair loss are evidence of a deficiency in some vitamins, so nutrition is an essential way to compensate for this deficiency and maintain and strengthen the health of hair and nails.

Hair and nails are made of keratin, a powerful protein that is the main component of the skin, teeth, hair and nails. You may feel that your nails break quickly or your hair is somewhat dull, this may be due to excessive sun exposure or a nutritional deficiency. It may be an opportunity to consider changing some of your daily habits, because the health of your nails and hair reflects the quality of what you eat.

Nails and hair are an indicator of balanced and healthy nutrition, so any lack of nutritious foods is reflected in the quality and strength of nails and hair. Nutritionist Nina Roos explains that “a vegetarian diet lacks some of the essential nutrients that ensure healthy nails,” according to what was published on the website. Topsante.

Advice for smokers: Smoking plays a negative role because it affects the blood circulation and reduces the volume of biotin in the blood, an amino acid that promotes healthy nails and hair. Among the rich sources that contain this amino acid (biotin) are brewer’s yeast, legumes, soy and almonds.

So what foods will help us nourish our hair and nails?

Certain minerals and vitamins are essential for strengthening nails and hair and should be included in your diet.

* IronIt helps to strengthen hair and nails and is found in red meat, eggs, fish and vegetables.

* zinc: This antioxidant helps in the synthesis of proteins, including keratin, which is responsible for the health of nails and hair. A deficiency in it can lead to hair loss and broken nails. So eat foods rich in zinc such as oysters, lentils, wholemeal bread

* ProteinIt is an essential element in the formation of hair and nails, so its deficiency in the body easily leads to brittle nails and dry hair. Therefore, we recommend eating foods rich in proteins such as eggs, poultry, nuts and red meat.

* Essential fatty acids: (Omega-3-6) helps in the growth of hair and nails, and is found in vegetable oils, oily fish and oilseeds. Salmon is rich in zinc and omega-3 which are responsible for the formation of keratin and maintaining healthy nails and hair. It is recommended to eat fish twice a week.

*Vitamin B8 or BiotinIt helps in stimulating the production of keratin in the body and the growth of nails and hair, and it is found in meat, leafy vegetables, nuts and egg yolks.

* Vitamin CAs a powerful antioxidant and natural collagen booster, vitamin C plays a role in strengthening and growing hair, in addition to helping to absorb more iron in the body. We find vitamin C in fruits, vegetables, red cabbage and peppers.

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