FPÖ – Nepp calls for the immediate resignation of SPÖ district leader Derfler

2023-05-13 08:12:06

Brigittenauer district chief mocks the district residents

Vienna (OTS) “The statements made in today’s interview by the Brigittenau SPÖ district leader Hannes Derfler must lead to his immediate resignation. If the red district chief sees no danger for the population after the machete murder and rapes, does not perceive any Islamist moral guardians and also declares that there are no hotspot schools in Brigittenau, then that is a mockery of the victims and the suffering district residents,” said the Viennese FPÖ -Boss, City Councilor Dominik Nepp.

Nepp accuses the Viennese Ludwig-SPÖ of total denial of reality. “A degenerate red group around the mayor of Vienna has no idea about the real conditions in this city and wants to make the Viennese believe that everything is great anyway. More and more people are turning away from this ignorant and arrogant policy of the Viennese Ludwig socialists. The fact is that the unbridled mass immigration policy of Mayor Ludwig, who lures criminal migrants to Vienna with social funds, is responsible for these murders and rapes. Ludwig and his district leader are the symbol of the failure of socialist immigration policy,” criticized the Viennese FPÖ chairman.

Nepp also directs sharp words towards ÖVP Minister of the Interior Karner, who understands effective border protection more as an empty phrase than to act: “The steadily increasing trafficking crime and the lack of border protection make it easy for illegals to come to Vienna. This devastating interplay of black and red Security and immigration policies are leading to the now intolerable conditions on the streets of Vienna. Something must finally change in order to be able to guarantee the safety of the Viennese again.”

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