France has lost more than 850,000 beef and dairy cows since 2016

2023-10-04 05:42:13

Where have our cows gone? The herd is reduced year after year. Beef professionals are calling for support from public authorities. At the same time, the government is encouraging us to eat less meat. The summit will be at the heart of the breeding summit which opens today in Cournon d’Auvergne (Puy-de-Dôme). “3% of livestock disappears each year”assures Jean-François Guihard, president of the French Confederation of butchers, charcutiers, caterers (CFBCT) and the livestock and meat inter-professional association (INTERBEV).

France has lost more than 850,000 beef and dairy cows since 2016. “In two, three years, it will be a million animals”believes Jean-François Guihard. “We talk a lot about eating better. Eating better also means eating French production.”

He notes that consumption has changed: “The French eat a lot more processed meat, like minced meat. Many say they eat little meat, but they will eat two or three burgers in the same week.” The president of the livestock and meat inter-professional association asks: “Can we tomorrow eat meat that comes from abroad, which does not respect all the measures?” 25% of beef consumed in France comes from abroad and “a lot goes into collective catering”.

#France #lost #beef #dairy #cows

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