Gaza, Hamas’s statement on the truce with Israel: “We accept” –

End of the war in Gaza? For the moment it seems to be getting closer, at least according to the will of one of the two fronts, after days of ups and downs and numerous indiscretions. The head of the political office of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, informed the Prime Minister of Qatar, Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani, and the head of Egyptian intelligence, Abbas Kamal, of the Palestinian movement’s yes to the proposal of the two countries Arabs for a ceasefire with Israel. Hamas itself reported this in an official note. And to think that just a couple of hours before this statement a high level source of the Palestinian militiamen had declared that he had “decided to suspend negotiations for a truce in Gaza. The decision was taken by the movement, after consulting with the resistance factions. The decision of the resistance factions was to postpone the return of the delegation to Cairo pending the results of the mediators’ efforts. The Hamas leadership received a request from the Egyptian side to avoid military escalation and give an opportunity to efforts to contain the crisis by continuing ceasefire negotiations.” And the efforts turned into reality in a short time. Although an Israeli political source quoted by Sky News Arabia specifies that Hamas would have given the OK to a ‘modified’ ceasefire proposal from Egypt and, therefore, not the version on which there would be general consensus on Israel’s part .

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#Gaza #Hamass #statement #truce #Israel #accept #Tempo
2024-05-10 23:35:20

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