Hani Kobeisy: To a government that approves the budget and looks into the state of employees and military personnel

“Do not politicians in Lebanon fear saying we do not want a president who supports the resistance, as they have obstructed the government, they are seeking to disrupt the presidential elections,” MP Hani Kobeisi asked during a memorial ceremony in Mayfdoun. Arabs, they seek normalization and appeasement of the Zionists, and this is what we reject, and we ran behind the resistance and offered thousands of martyrs.
He added: “Today, Israel targets the Palestinian resistance fighters in Gaza and continues to destroy and kill, and we do not see any Arab country moving in protest and we have not even heard a denunciation from the League of Arab States.
He continued: “What is happening in Lebanon in terms of mismanagement and a destructive economy as a result of Western sanctions imposed on us in order for us to submit, and through these sanctions they seek to pass policies that they object to the resistance’s participation in the rule in Lebanon, and some of them began calling for their objection to the arrival of a President of the Republic representing affiliation to March 8 or To the resistance, its culture and its message. Rather, they want a president who seeks normalization and builds relations with the Zionists, or who renounces the issue of our maritime borders,” he asked, “Aren’t politicians in Lebanon afraid that they say we don’t want a president who supports the resistance? Disrupting the government has disrupted the country and stopped the courses of administrative work, rather it has disrupted state institutions, so a government must be formed to approve the budget and look into the state of employees and the military,” he added, “as if there are those who want to keep the state weak, disintegrated in order to practice foreign policies that weaken Lebanon in order to tell the public opinion that the resistance and the resistance parties are the Who caused the destruction of the Lebanese reality.”
Kobeisy said: “What is happening in Lebanon is not due to sanctions only, but rather it is passing policies that claim to preserve Lebanon, facilitate internal chaos, weaken institutions, leave matters to personal factional interests and disrupt the dues, and therefore they hold the resistance members responsible for this, and this is all slander and lies.”
And he added: “We have never sought a ministerial position to disrupt the country for it, but we want the Lebanese people to live a dear, dignified life with a sound economy, but mismanagement has enabled sanctions from our country, and we ask God to guide those who own things in this country to make Lebanon a strong, united state by eliminating political sectarianism and building A system that secures stability for the people, including water and electricity, that the citizen is looking for, and some politicians are amused by obtaining a position from here or there. To the brave, not to sectarian leaders who dedicate their own language, culture and goals, and therefore it is the Lebanese people who face sanctions and decisions, dedicating the language of confrontation, and some politicians consider that things are fine.

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