Have you tried intermittent fasting before?.. an important way to extend your life and make you lose extra weight

The Seventh Day TV broadcast special coverage about the intermittent fasting system, which many people have started using in order to lose weight or maintain a healthy life, and this is the coverage provided by Alaa Sheta.

Intermittent fasting is a type of time-restricted diet, where a long period of time is left between the last meal of the day and the first meal of the next day. Intermittent fasting can be the right way for people who want to lose weight, as it provides a very important service to the body that scientists call “autophagy.”

“Autophagy” is simply the process by which the body begins to recycle the cells inside it, removing waste from them, and animal studies have confirmed that autophagy has been linked to improvements in the memory of the immune system. In addition, autophagy is necessary to maintain cell health, which has created interest in its role in fighting cancer. There may be more reasons than increasing life span to be interested in autophagy.”

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