Health Net” Cruciferous vegetables help breast cancer prognosis, weight loss doctor: 3-4 meals a week – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network

The doctor pointed out that cruciferous vegetables can help breast cancer prognosis and weight loss. The average person consumes about 3-4 meals a week, which will be of great help to health. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Broccoli, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables, in addition to improving inflammation and digestion, can even help breast cancer prognosis and weight loss! Li Sixian, a physician at Linhao Western Medicine Clinic, pointed out that there is no need to eat too much. If people with special diseases need large doses, they can consume them from health food. Most people can eat more cruciferous vegetables, and take about 3- 4 meals will be of great help to your health!

Li Sixian’s Facebook page “Physician Sisi, a good friend to accompany you in health“The article shared that the glucosinolates in cruciferous plants are hydrolyzed by myrosinase to produce “gualin”, and after the glucosinolate is digested by gastric acid, it will be paired due to the acidic environment. Most of the glucosinolates It will form “diindolylmethane (DIM)”. DIM has a stronger ability to resist cancer cell division. DIM can change the expression of epigenetic inhibitor histone deacetylase. This mechanism is also the current cancer treatment. one of the goals.

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Li Sixian explained that another benefit of DIM is that it balances the ratio of good and bad estrogen in the body, which has been supported by evidence to prevent breast cancer. DIM increases the estrogen 2-hydroxyestrone, which is less likely to stimulate cancer, and decreases 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone, which is more likely to cause weight gain and cancer risk, because DIM strengthens the CYP1A2 enzyme in the liver, which will affect the body’s stronger estrogen conversion in a less harmful form.

Li Sixian pointed out that because estrogen is one of the hormones that promote fat accumulation, the most direct impact of estrogen balance is weight loss. Long-term exposure to an environment with excess estrogen will unknowingly accumulate fat. In addition, a better ratio of estrogen can improve some postmenopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, and may also help with acne and gynecomastia.

Li Sixian said that in human studies, DIM has been proved to be helpful for the prognosis of breast cancer, and ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer have been achieved in animal experiments, but the effect in humans still needs more evidence. support. DIM is also helpful for prostate health and can improve prostate hypertrophy and further canceration.

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