Health Net “Ketogenic Diet Increases Risk of Cardiovascular Disease?Doctor: 4 types of people are not suitable- Free Health Network

Physicians said that people with coronary heart disease, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, or family history of cardiovascular disease are not recommended to adopt a ketogenic diet; the picture is a schematic diagram. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]American Heart Association(American College of Cardiology) released a report on March 5, pointing out that “the possibility of cardiovascular disease caused by a ketogenic diet doubles.” However, the doctor pointed out that this is an observational study, which can only be used as a possible hypothesis, and the academic community believes that it is not enough to prove it. However, people with coronary heart disease, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, or a family history of cardiovascular disease are still not recommended to adopt a ketogenic diet.

Xie Anmin, former director of the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit of Chicago Veterans Hospital in the United States, posted on Facebook “Dr. Xie speaks“The report is the first report that the ketogenic diet may increase the risk of heart disease. The ketogenic diet was originally used to treat epilepsy that cannot be controlled by drugs, and later it has been widely used, including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), other neurological diseases, cancer, chronic pain, etc. After the low-sugar diet became popular among people who lost weight, the ketogenic diet that also advocated low-sugar became popular.

He explained that the ketogenic diet strictly controls carbohydrate intake (5-10% of daily calories, about 20-50 grams per day), eats a lot of fat (about 75%) and moderate protein. Since the body relies on burning fat to supply calories, it will produce ketosis and cause ketosis. The ketogenic diet works well as a weight loss method, with an average weight loss of 15%.

4 Reasons for Research Differences

Xie Anmin said that a high-fat diet will inevitably consume a lot of saturated fatty acids, such as butter, lard, fatty meat, etc., which may lead to high blood fat (especially low-density cholesterol). In fact, there have been many studies, but the results are not consistent, ranging from a slight increase to a significant increase. There are countless factors that could contribute to the discrepancy, but here are just a few possible causes:

●Diet research is easy and difficult to do:Humans are not like animals in cages, they only eat what they are fed, and human research often relies on memory or diary writing, which is prone to inaccuracies.

● Diet substitutes may be worse:People always have to eat, and banning this type of diet will replace it with something else, which may be a bigger problem. For example, in the past, the promotion of eating less saturated fatty acids was replaced by trans fats, which are worse for health.

●Different research regulations:There are differences in the amount and type of fat prescribed by different studies, and there are also differences in whether the people participating in the research strictly follow the dietary regulations.

The ketogenic diet is divided into several parts:Not every part will increase blood lipids. Losing weight will have the effect of improving blood lipids, and eating less carbohydrates will reduce insulin secretion and demand, which will also have a positive impact on blood lipids and reduce inflammation.

Xie Anmin pointed out that in October 2019, the American National Fat Association published its position on low-sugar, ultra-low-sugar and ketogenic diets in the Journal of Lipiology. They pointed out that most of the research on this type of diet showed a moderate reduction in triglycerides, a moderate short-term increase in high-density cholesterol (HDL, good cholesterol), and a slight increase in low-density cholesterol (LDL). In addition, the effect of such diets on LDL cholesterol varies between individuals and is also influenced by genetics.

Juvenile (type 1) diabetes patients are prone to hypoglycemia, and they are prone to ketosis without adopting a ketogenic diet, so it is not recommended to adopt a ketogenic diet; the picture shows the situation. (picture taken from freepik)

The ketogenic diet is not for everyone

Xie Anmin said frankly that not everyone who wants to lose weight should not adopt a ketogenic diet until it is further determined whether the ketogenic diet will increase cardiovascular disease.

●The following people are advised to avoid the ketogenic diet:

1. Patients with coronary heart disease, especially those who have had myocardial infarction.

2. People with hyperlipidemia, especially familial hyperlipidemia.

3. There is a family history of cardiovascular disease, and there are men under the age of 45 and women under the age of 55 who have heart disease.

4. Juvenile (type 1) diabetics are prone to hypoglycemia, and they are prone to ketosis without adopting a ketogenic diet. In addition, people with adult type (type 2) diabetes but unstable blood sugar (fragile diabetes, brittle diabetes), or people who have had diabetic ketosis are not suitable.

●The following people are advised to adopt a ketogenic diet cautiously,A ketogenic diet should be adopted under the guidance of an experienced physician or nutritionist, and changes in blood lipids should be monitored before and after.

1. Patients with liver disease: Although some people use the ketogenic diet to treat non-alcoholic fatty liver (non alcoholic fatty liver NAFL), but people with significantly abnormal liver function, the ketogenic diet is more difficult to implement, has more problems, and is more prone to malnutrition .

2. People with kidney disease and poor kidney function.

Diet weight loss needs to be implemented for a long time, and appropriate methods should be selected

Xie Anmin emphasized that dieting to lose weight requires long-term implementation, preferably a diet plan that can be followed for a lifetime. The more extreme the diet control, the more difficult it will be for a long time. Extreme dieting and binge eating and drinking are just playing tricks on your body and will not help you lose weight.

He reminded that it is easy to fail to lose weight by dieting alone. Some people think that combining exercise will reduce depression and increase the probability of success. It is recommended that most people adopt the Mediterranean diet or the DASH diet, and eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, Poultry, beans, nuts, low-fat, low-sugar, healthy and easy to pursue for life.

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