Health Network》Prevention of Hypertension and Stroke Nutritionists teach this way to eat to maintain blood vessel elasticity- LOHAS Diet- Free Health Network

Citrus, kiwi fruit and other fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C, which is an indispensable nutrient for collagen synthesis in the body and maintains the elasticity of blood vessels. (Picture taken from pexels)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]In January this year, the artist Natto had a speech with a “big tongue” and could not lift his hand. He was rushed to the hospital by his girlfriend Yiyi, and grasped the golden treatment time for stroke first aid. Dietitian Chen Yichun reminded that the regulation of cardiovascular disease is that “blood vessels” are more important than “heart”. It is recommended that hypertensive patients must maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and take more vitamin C, vitamin E, protein, vitamin P, red grape leaf extract, grape Seed OPC.

Chen Yichun’s Facebook fan page “Donna Nutritionist-Chen Yichun Health Nutrition Expert“andpersonal platformSaid that in addition to controlling the blood pressure value, it is also necessary to take care of the elasticity of blood vessels to avoid stroke. The following nutrients help to increase the elasticity of blood vessels:

Please read on…

●Vitamin C:Vitamin C is an indispensable nutrient for collagen synthesis in the body. When vitamin C is lacking, collagen synthesis is insufficient, and blood vessels will lose elasticity and become fragile. In addition, smoking and stress are also important reasons for vitamin C deficiency. Each cigarette will consume 25-35mg of vitamin C in the body, and easy tension and stress will also consume more because of the need to secrete adrenaline. of vitamin C (vitamin C is the material for the synthesis of epinephrine). Fruits and vegetables such as guava, citrus, kiwi, chard, green peppers, sweet peppers are rich in vitamin C.

●Vitamin E:It is a fat-soluble antioxidant that can reduce free radical damage to blood vessel walls and protect blood vessel health.

●Protein:It is the basic material for the synthesis of collagen in the body, and collagen is an important component that constitutes the elasticity of blood vessels.

●Vitamin P:It is not a real vitamin, but refers to a group of “bioflavonoids”, including anthocyanins, dendrobium, rutin, flavonoids, citrichin, etc. Bioflavonoids are important nutrients for maintaining normal microvascular permeability, and It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and can work synergistically with vitamin C to protect vascular health. Citrus, onions, apple peels, berries, grapes and other foods are rich in bioflavonoids.

●Red grape leaf extract:It is rich in anthocyanins, resveratrol, quercetin, and flavonoids, and has the physiological activity of vitamin P. It has been proved by experiments that it can strengthen the function of veins, improve symptoms such as varicose veins, edema, and swelling of the lower limbs. It can also inhibit the “Collagenase” and “Elastase” maintain the elasticity of blood vessels.

●Grape seed OPC:It also has the function of improving venous discomfort. Grape seeds are rich in polyphenols, among which the function of “oligomeric proanthocyanidines” (OPC) is the most important.

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