Health Network “Quickly replenish vitamin D to protect the brain!Study: Lack of Lack May Increase Risk of Dementia

People who consume less vitamin D have an increased risk of dementia and stroke, study shows; pictured here. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Dementia is one of the modern civilization diseases. How to prevent it has become a hot topic in recent years. However, according to foreign mediaScience Daily(Science Daily) reported that there is a clear link between dementia and vitamin D deficiency.

This study was conducted byUniversity of South AustraliaLed by the research team, who analysed data from 294,514 participants in the UK Biobank, people who consumed less vitamin D had a significantly higher risk of dementia and stroke. In addition, increasing vitamin D intake to a normal level of about 50nmol/L in some populations can prevent up to 17% of the risk of dementia.

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Professor Elina Hyppönen, senior research fellow and director of the South Australian Centre for Precision Health, said the findings were important for the prevention of dementia. Vitamin D is a hormone precursor and a growing number of studies point to its wide-ranging effects, including Including brain health. Dementia is a progressive and debilitating disease that can destroy a person and a family, and if more people were made aware of the seriousness of vitamin D deficiency, it could change the health of many more.

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