Health Network” Urine has bubbles?Doctor: Be careful if you don’t leave for more than 1 minute-Instant News-Free Health Network

The doctor said that most of the reasons for the foam in urine are temporary small amounts of proteinuria due to various benign reasons, but if the foam does not disperse for more than 1 minute, it is necessary to go to the urology or nephrology department for a urine test; the picture shows the situation photo. (Picture taken from pixabay)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Is there a problem with the kidneys if there are bubbles in the urine? The doctor said that most of the reasons for the foam in urine are temporary small amounts of proteinuria due to various benign reasons, but if the foam does not disperse for more than 1 minute, it is necessary to go to the urology or nephrology department for a urine test. In addition, in addition to normal physical properties. In addition to the bubbles caused by the impact, he also shared 8 possible factors that may cause bubbles in pee.

Li Zhiqiao, the chief physician of the Department of Urology at Mackay Memorial Hospital, posted on his Facebook fan page “Dr. Li Zhiqiao, Urology ClinicThe article pointed out that normal bubbles will slowly disperse and disappear within 10 to 20 seconds, but after a long time, it has not dissipated before starting to worry about whether there is a problem with the urinary system or kidneys. In addition, in addition to the bubbles caused by normal physical impact, he also shared 8 possible factors that cause bubbles in pee.

1. Strenuous exercise or prolonged standing.

2. Excessive intake of protein.

3. Pregnancy.

4. Prostate hypertrophy.

5. Inflammation of the bladder or urethra.

6. Too much substance in urine.

7. Too little water intake.

8. Impaired renal function.

Finally, Li Zhiqiao reminded that most of the reasons for foam in urine are temporary small amounts of proteinuria due to various benign reasons. At this time, the foam usually dissipates in a short time, so there is no need to worry. However, if the foam has not dissipated for more than 1 minute, it is necessary to go to the urology or nephrology department for a urine test to check whether there is an excess of urine protein or excess sugar in the urine.

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