1997- 2024: 300 kidney transplants at PGNP – In “P” the first transplanted K. Katsanos – 2024-03-14 02:35:38

The principle of kidney transplants in Patras and more widely in our region, it took place in 1997, led by the professor and then director of the Nephrology Center of the University Hospital of Patras, Ioannis Vlachogiannis. The first patient who was transplanted was a 26-year-old Patrino man and his father was a donor. Today … Read more

Essential Tips for Diabetics: Health Ministry Recommendations for Managing Diabetes

2023-12-16 02:00:00 The Ministry of Health and Population provided a set of important tips for diabetics, including: Diabetics are always advised to exercise continuously, even if it is half an hour a day, but under the supervision of a doctor to prescribe exercises appropriate to the condition and coordinate them with taking medications. – Undergo … Read more

Causes of Bad Breath: Diabetes, Liver Disease, Kidney Disease, and Excess Methionine

2023-12-03 07:15:54 Some metabolic disorders can cause bad breath due to various problems in the intestines, blood, or liver. The following are the most prominent medical conditions that cause the problem: diabetes A common condition that can cause bad breath in the mouth and throat is diabetes, as high glucose levels can cause the growth … Read more

The Deadly Meal: Expert Reveals the Dangers of a Common Diet

2023-11-21 09:20:36 Al-Marsad newspaper: The expert in therapeutic nutrition, Dr. Bassam Abu Bakr, revealed a deadly meal. Dr. Bassam said in the video that this meal was called fatal because it kills the brain and memory, increases the risk of strokes, affects memorization and interaction, kills the heart, causes heart attacks and clots, raises bad … Read more

Preventing Kidney Failure: Tips and Tricks from Dr. Hala Al-Obaidi

2023-11-17 16:00:00 Written by Rania Amer Friday, November 17, 2023 06:00 PM Dr. Hala Al-Obaidi, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine at the University Hospital in Aswan, said: Kidney failure It is the inability of the kidneys to get rid of excess fluid waste from the body, and this is due to several reasons, … Read more

Best Fruits for Kidney Health: A Guide to Incorporating Antioxidant-Rich Foods into Your Diet

2023-11-11 01:00:00 Written by Nahir Abdel Nabi Saturday, November 11, 2023 03:00 AM Eating a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients can help promote healthy KidneyIf you suffer from kidney disease, it may be beneficial to include a variety of fruits in your diet as long as they do not contain excessive amounts … Read more