His companion unconscious on the ground, Eddy continued to throw violent punches

1.90 meters for a hundred kilos. Here are, in detail, the physical dimensions of the sturdy guy who appeared this Thursday morning before the Charleroi Criminal Court. Imagine for a moment the damage that Eddy’s fists can cause and you understand the attempted murder alleged against him.

Without the intervention of roommates on May 3, Eddy would probably appear before an Assize Court.

A throw of orange before the attempted murder

That day, after taking medication to go to bed, Eddy distinguished himself in two stages. First by throwing an orange in the face of his second companion, hurting her eye. A second time by striking a shower of violent punches in the face of the same victim, after 9 p.m., rue de Charleville in Charleroi. The photos exhibited by the civil party during the hearing demonstrate the extreme violence of the beatings.

“She was bruised, disfigured. Even unconscious on the ground, she continued to receive beatings. It is also one of the first times that, in a file, I have not been able to recognize the face of the victim. , underlines the substitute Daniel. What would have been the situation if the defendant had remained alone and the roommates had not intervened? The question, launched aloud by the prosecution, will fortunately remain unanswered.

Before that, Eddy had already gotten a serious recall to the Law of Justice. Between August and October 2021, the thirties had already been violent towards a first companion. The separation, which occurred in July, literally freaked Eddy out. Threats ( “I will disfigure you” or “I’m going to burn you with a torch” ) and harassment are alleged against him. The threats are not disputed by Eddy, the harassment yes. “The contacts were agreed” specifies the prisoner. “In September, there were 780 text messages by the victim and more than a thousand in October. The victim also contacted her. adds Me Huwart, the defense lawyer.

At the same time, Eddy is also suspected of having drawn a knife under the throat of his companion, to steal four pages of his diary with violence. “It was after reading her four pages that I started to threaten her” , he explains. According to him, it was the many infidelities discovered during his first relationship that had repercussions on his second romantic relationship.

The closed prison, one and only solution

Substitute Daniel says he is surprised by the psychological and physical violence displayed by Eddy in less than a year. All the more so when we know that Eddy had had a serious warning from an examining magistrate following the threats and harassment on the first victim. Seven years in prison are required.

The defense pleads a sentence of less than 5 years in prison, with a probationary reprieve. A reclassification in assault and battery is requested, instead of attempted murder.

Judgment at the end of August.

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