home remedy to have porcelain skin after 40 years

With the passage of time, the skin tends to become rough and lifeless, accentuating expression lines and wrinkles more severely, due to a lack of collagen, since the body decreases its production after the age of 30, he assures Sports world.

It is then that among the benefits and functions that collagen has are: strengthening the bone system and rapid healing. Therefore, it classifies collagen into three classes: type I (tendons and bones), type II (joints and ears), and type III (intestines and skin).

Many of these foods have vitamin C, rich in antioxidants which are “nutrients that block some of the damage caused by free radicals”which are often involved with aging.

Generally, antioxidants are contained in fruits such as papaya, pineapple, mango, kiwi, watermelon, melon, broccoli, tomatoes, and spinach, among others.

Meanwhile, other foods or plants are useful when making masks because they not only nourish the skin, but also give it a younger appearance, such as aloe vera and cucumber.

your healthexplains that cucumber is multifaceted, since it regulates blood sugar levels, stimulating the secretion of insulin, which, since it is not produced by the pancreas or the cells place resistance to it, causes diabetes. It also collaborates in the detoxification of the body, since it has an antioxidant effect.

In addition, being a food rich in fiber and water, it has a minimum caloric index, used for weight loss, since it has the ability to cause a fullness effect, reducing appetite, thus preventing the intake of foods that the body does not need.

It is a medicinal plant rich in vitamins A, C, B, and E that act to protect the immune system. Likewise, counteract the symptoms of constipation, facilitating intestinal transit, that is, stimulating the evacuation of feces. This happens because aloe vera contains aloin, a laxative compound; however, a high consumption of aloe can have counterproductive effects.

It is then that the portal The truth ensures that the combination of these two foods has the ability to rejuvenate the skin because it hydrates it giving it a porcelain look.

  1. Cucumber juice must be extracted to mix it with glass cubes of aloe vera.
  2. Once the mixture is homogeneous, pour into ice molds.
  3. Store in the refrigerator.
  4. When the cubes are ready, rub every morning on the face.
  5. Wash with plenty of water.

It is important to observe if none of the products cause allergies, since it can be counterproductive and injure the skin, if so, it is recommended not to use more, and consult a health professional.

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