Home remedy to relieve arthritis in hands and wrists

Arthritis is a disease that causes swelling and pain when one or more joints are touched or stressed. The most affected joints are the wrists, hands, feet, spine, knees and jaw, according to the US National Institutes of Health.

Among the symptoms is also stiffness, so the condition can be intensified depending on the severity. In addition, it is an autoimmune, inflammatory and chronic disease that affects, above all, the elderly.

Also, arthritis can cause unusual tiredness, sporadic fevers, and loss of appetite. This is because This disease is the deterioration of the cartilage that protects the joint, which prevents friction between the bones and provides smoothness to movements.

According to specialists, there are different types of arthritis and with totally different mechanisms, but they all have a common factor and that is pain and inflammation of the joints. Despite this, the differences mean that the treatments can change.

The most common types of this condition are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis corresponds to inflammatory pain in a context of systemic pathology, that is, with possible involvement of other organs, while osteoarthritis only affects the joints in a mechanical-degenerative way.

Bone maintenance is essential for body movement. Photo: Getty Images. – Foto: Getty Images/iStockphoto

The methods to treat arthritis should be recommended and supervised by a specialist. However, it is also possible to ask the doctor for those home and natural remedies that help reduce the symptoms of this painful condition.

In fact, the specialized portal better with healthlisted a series of Home remedies that can contribute to this pathology:

1. Compresses: with hot compresses on the affected area or baths with warm water can be soothing for joint pain. On the other hand, using cold compresses or pads after physical activity can be an option to give muscles relief, he says.

2. She: Various studies have proven that this ingredient helps reduce bone density loss and also contains minerals necessary to keep bones healthy and strong, such as calcium and iron.

3. Olive oil: According to the researchers, olive oil has a polyphenolic fraction that contributes to the reduction of joint inflammation. Also, prevents the development of conditions associated with the bones.

4. Celery: In the portal better with health indicate that celery is ideal for treating rheumatism and gout, since “it is even capable of diluting the uric acid that affects the joints, acting as an anti-inflammatory.”

5. Apple Cider Vinegar: To consume it, it is always necessary to dilute it in water, since it is considered an acidic product. For the same reason, its consumption should not be abused.

In addition, to use the previous products, it is necessary to exercise so that the symptoms lessen. Some of these were listed by the specialized portal Medical News Today:

  • Bicycle: Exercising on a stationary bike can be a safe way to move your joints and improve cardiovascular fitness, he explains. Medical News Today.
  • Aquatic exercises: in the water the body weight is not felt much, so the joints are the first to benefit. Among these exercises are swimming, water aerobics, among others.

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