How do you know that you suffer from high cholesterol? • Al Marsad newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: The symptoms of high cholesterol in the blood vary from one patient to another in terms of quality and severity, according to its impact on the vital organs of the body, because the heart is not the only organ that is affected by infection.، According to my site “WebMD” And“Timesofindia”.

the heart

With high cholesterol in the blood, fatty plaques accumulate on the inner walls of the arteries, which leads to a decrease in their flexibility and exposure to hardening and blockage, and then the heart is forced to make an extra effort, to pump oxygen-laden blood to the organs of the body..

In the event of coronary artery blockage, the blood supply to the heart muscle decreases, causing a heart attack.


The thyroid gland is one of the organs that is most damaged when cholesterol is high, because the blockage of the arteries deprives it of getting enough oxygenated blood, to carry out its vital functions, which exposes it to hypoactivity..

It is known that thyroid hormones depend on the liver to process blood, when their levels decrease, its ability to perform this function declines, which leads to a rise in harmful cholesterol and triglycerides in the body..

Symptoms of hypothyroidism are as follows::



skin dryness.

swollen face.


muscle weakness.

the brain

Memory impairment is one of the least common symptoms of high cholesterol, resulting from lack of blood supply to the brain, due to blockage of the arteries feeding it, so its cells become more susceptible to damage and atrophy, and then stroke, Alzheimer’s and dementia occur.


High cholesterol poses a great danger to the health of the digestive system, as it leads to the formation of gallstones, which can be broken down with medications, but it is recommended to remove the entire gallbladder, to get rid of its annoying symptoms, such as abdominal pain, indigestion, constipation and bloating..


The arteries supplying the genitals are exposed to blockage due to high cholesterol, which affects men with erectile dysfunction and makes women more suffer from low sexual desire..


High cholesterol can be detected by a series of symptoms that appear on the feet, such as coldness, numbness and difficulty healing wounds, which are caused by a decrease in the blood supply to them.

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