How should olive oil be consumed to clean the arteries?

Food plays an important role in health, excessive consumption of trans or saturated fats can raise cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, excess of this substance can clog the arteries preventing blood from circulating freely through the bloodstream generating a condition known as atherosclerosis.

According to the portal of health and medicine Medlineplus this condition is the most common type of heart-related disease; Furthermore, he adds that It is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States.

The portal oilsalbert mentions the benefits of replacing hydrogenated oil, with which it is usually cooked, for extra virgin olive oil.

Olive oil and atherosclerosis

  • The media mentions that extra virgin olive oil can be used as a condiment, but it can also be used to make various preparations at home or even to fry. This oil; In addition, it brings multiple benefits for heart health.
  • oilsalbert carried out an investigation in which he was able to verify that people who live in industrialized countries and who frequently consume processed foods have a greater risk of their arteries becoming clogged, instead, Mediterranean patients and those who include olive oil in their preparations have a lower risk of suffering from coronary diseases and even your levels of good cholesterol (LDL) are higher.
  • “Olive oil is hypocholesterolemic: it reduces the intestinal absorption of cholesterol contained in food and, given its high content of polyphenols, it “cleans” the blood and blood vessels”.
High levels of ‘bad cholesterol’ (LDL) increase the risk of heart, diabetes or kidney disease. – Foto: Foto Gettyimages

Olive oil and hypertension

  • When the heart beats, the blood present in this organ is displaced towards the arteries. According to the portal of health and medicine, MedlinePlus blood pressure increases when the heart transports blood to the whole body through its beats; this process is called systolic pressure. When the heart is at rest, between beats, blood pressure drops and is known as diastolic pressure. For a patient to be diagnosed with hypertension, regular medical check-ups are required, because this disease usually no symptoms.
  • Health professionals suggest that people over the age of 40 have their blood pressure status checked at least once a year, or more often. cWhen it comes to people who have a diet high in sodium and practice little exercise.
  • oilsalbert mentions that olive oil can be a great ally to prevent high blood pressure; as long as it is accompanied by a diet that contains lean proteins, giving priority to fish and chicken, nuts, low-fat dairy products and a high content of fruits and vegetables.
  • “Experts propose that just by adding two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil to your meal plan on a daily basis, you can steadily lower your blood pressure in as little as eight weeks.”

Olive oil and thrombotic risk

  • oilsalbert mentions that extra virgin olive oil has a protein that has the ability to prevent various coronary conditions, since it inhibits the formation of platelets that trigger a thrombosis; this condition, “in the brain or heart, can cause stroke or heart attacks.”
  • “Extra virgin olive oil is a true health elixir, not only because of the presence of phenols, antioxidants and regulators of thrombotic agents. Postprandial oxidative stress for the body is increased by saturated fats, but decreased by monounsaturated fats such as oleic acid.”

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