How to combat work stress? | Anxiety | Mental Health | Food | Work | Healthy diet | HEALTHY LIFESTYLE

The It is a situation that occurs due to the great pressure that a person feels in their workplace. This can affect physical health and of the worker, generating an imbalance in his environment.

And it is that, the telecommuting and workload that many have makes them feel overwhelmed by the earrings. For Tania Guimac Oblitas, an organizational psychologist at the University of Piura, when people have to face more responsibilities than they can handle, they will feel stressed.

“We can use the analogy of a machine: if we put it to work more than it should, it ends up breaking down”, says the specialist. How to deal with this kind of situation? Below is the answer.

How to identify if you have work stress?

Work stress usually presents symptoms such as physical fatigue, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating and inability to keep up with the same activity, headaches, muscle tension, contractures and gastrointestinal problems.

Also problems sleeping or hypersomnia (falling asleep anywhere) are other signs. On the other hand, on a mental level, this situation can cause a feeling of sadness, irritability and emptiness.

How to combat work stress?

If you present some of the symptoms indicated in the previous paragraph, the ideal is to see a mental health specialist. If for some reason you cannot visit an expert on the subject, you can start planning your tasks according to priority so that fulfilling them does not cause you pressure.

“There is a saying that says “hurry up at a bad pace” and this means that you should not leave things that are difficult or laborious for later. Pressure and stress increase when we leave activities to the last minute (procrastination). Doing things with a certain organization, then, this implies aligning personal life and work life”says Guimac.

What activities to do to combat work stress?

Knitting, painting, going out with friends, cooking, cleaning, getting massages, walking, traveling, watching a movie or series, cooking or doing another activity that you like can help you combat feelings of anguish and pressure that work overload can cause.

What exercises to do to combat stress?

When you feel that the stress you are feeling is more than you can handle, then we advise you to perform a deep breathing technique (Sit or lie down, place one hand on your stomach and one hand on your heart, and begin to breathe deeply.

Then, inhale until you feel your stomach rise and hold the exhalation for a few seconds. Later, exhale that air and that’s it (repeat several times if you think it’s necessary).

It should be noted that feeling stress also provides benefits to people, since when the body has that feeling it will begin to feel the impulse to want to fulfill their dreams. That is, you perceive it as a motivation to want to make an effort and achieve the results you want.


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