how to identify an obsession in a relationship – 2024-02-20 13:45:30

According to psychologist Regina Villagrán, limerence manifests itself mainly in recurring and obsessive thoughts about the loved one, accompanied by an intense desire to be reciprocated.

This mental state, although common in the initial stages of falling in love, becomes problematic when it triggers anxiety, social isolation, and difficulties in daily functioning. “You feel an obsessive need to be reciprocated or loved, going from infatuation to obsession”

The individual trapped in this disorder experiences an emotional roller coaster, oscillating between the euphoria of feeling reciprocated and despair due to the fear of rejection.

This cycle of intense emotions can lead to irrational behaviors, such as excessive control over the partner or extreme idealization of the love object.

Recognizing and challenging irrational beliefs about love and acceptance is crucial to beginning the recovery process. However, the path to healing is not easy and, in many cases, requires the support of a mental health professional.

Villagrán emphasizes the importance of working on the self-esteem of the affected individual, since low self-esteem can become an important factor in developing this disorder. “It is vital to understand that self-love is the foundation on which healthy relationships are built,” he emphasizes.

The compulsive need to be loved affects romantic relationships, turning them into stormy ones. (Free Press Photo: Shutterstock)

In addition to therapeutic support, Villagrán suggests developing personal interests, cultivating healthy relationships and strengthening the social support network. Creative activities such as art, writing or gardening can serve as healthy outlets to channel intense emotions and regain lost emotional balance.

Limerence not only represents an individual emotional challenge, but also an obstacle on the path to healthy and satisfying love relationships. Recognizing the symptoms, seeking professional help and working on self-love are crucial steps to overcome this condition and regain control over one’s emotional life.

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#identify #obsession #relationship

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