Hydration and Sleep: The Benefits of Drinking Water Before Bed

2023-12-19 17:04:37

Consuming enough water is essential for the proper functioning of the body, as it participates in almost all the body’s physiological processes, from helping to eliminate toxins to maintaining and regulating body temperature.

Due to its vital importance, experts have recommended daily consumption amounts depending on body weight and activity level, for example, the World Health Organization recommends drinking between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day, which can be pure water, infusions and even obtain it from fruits and vegetables with high percentages of water.

There are many myths about the benefits of consuming a glass of water just before going to sleep for the body. We will tell you what the true benefits are and some considerations to take into account so that these benefits do not become problems.

Relationship between hydration and sleep

According to the Sleep Foundation, which specializes in information on sleep processes, recent research has explored the links between hydration and sleep.

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They assure that there are three key factors in this relationship, the first is that dehydration can create barriers to falling asleep, the second is that while lack of sleep can increase the chances of dehydration and the third is that excessive fluid intake can cause sleep interruptions due to the urge to go to the bathroom.

Dehydration generates different symptoms such as tiredness and chronic fatigue, headaches, dry mouth and nasal passages, and muscle cramps, which can end up affecting the quality and quantity of sleep.

Benefits of drinking water before sleeping

According to the ‘Sleep Foundation’, drinking water just before bed has certain benefits that include avoiding dehydration while sleeping and regulating core body temperature, in case you are in a room with a temperature different from that considered ideal for falling asleep. .

Likewise, they point out that in some cases and for some people drinking water before going to sleep can help them relax and fall asleep more easily and have a better rest, especially if it is a glass of warm or hot water.

On the other hand, they assure that people who have nasal congestion and as a consequence have to breathe through the nose, lose more water, generating dehydration, so a glass of water before going to sleep could help replace the lost fluids and improve the quality of the dream.

Although it is common to hear that drinking a glass of water before bed can prevent heart attacks and strokes, according to the University of Washington, this is nothing more than a myth, as there is no scientific evidence or studies that have proven it.

How much water to drink

Although consuming water before going to sleep has benefits, the same foundation specialized in the study of sleep assures that if you want to drink water before going to sleep, you should do so in small quantities, small sips, and you can even consume some ice cubes to stay calm. hydrous.

Likewise, they recommend not drinking large amounts of water, or any beverage, two hours before going to sleep, as this could interrupt your sleep cycle or could even cause insomnia, two problems that have negative effects on health.

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