If you serve as a doctor in this city, you will get a reward of more than six crores Quairading | Salary | Town | Doctors | Australia

The authorities in this city are offering more than Rs.6 crore as a reward to those who are willing to serve as doctors. That is about 8,00,000 dollars. A four-bedroom house will be provided free of charge along with an annual salary. The said town of Quarading is located in the Wheatbelt region of Australia.

It is about a two-hour drive east from Perth. In a situation where the people here have not been able to find a permanent resident doctor for several months, the Quarading Town Council has decided to pay an attractive salary of Rs. This will also cover the cost of everything including the staff for the doctor’s work. But, this is not the only salary. Along with this comes bonuses and incentives.

If the doctor decides to work in the city for more than two years, he will get a bonus of $12,000 (Rs 9.94 lakh) and $23,000 (Rs 19.05 lakh) if he works in the city for more than five years. Quarading is a very small town. There are only 619 residents. Many rural people in Australia are having difficulty finding a residential doctor like this. Medical centers in many cities were closed due to similar reasons.

Next week an advertisement will be placed in the West Australian medical publications stating that the doctor is wanted. If the doctor is not found through it, advertisements will be published in other ways. According to National Statistics, only 14 percent of medical students in Australia want to become a general practitioner. Statistics show that only 4.5 percent want to work in small towns like Quarading.

Australian Town Quairading Will Offer Rs 6.56 Crore Salary To Doctors

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