If your child is between 12 and 18 years old, try giving him this healthy diet

Adolescence is a time of growth and change. Teenagers need more calories and nutrients than any other age group to support their growing bodies. However, most teens eat too many empty calorie foods and are deficient in many important nutrients. Here you’ll find information about your teen’s nutritional needs and practical tips to help them eat a healthier diet.

adequate calories

Teenagers need a lot of calories to support the rapid growth that occurs during this time and to fuel their busy lives. The number of calories a teen needs varies by age, gender, and activity level. Most adolescent girls need about 2,200 calories a day, while most adolescent boys need 2,500 to 3,000 calories a day.

In the midst of school work, sports, and other activities, teens are often so busy that they don’t have time to eat balanced meals that provide the calories and nutrients they need. However, it’s still easy to overindulge in calories, especially when making poor food choices. Over time, this can lead to overweight and obesity. Make sure your teen gets the number of calories he needs by:

  • Provide you with a variety of nutrient-dense foods from all the different food groups
  • Limit foods that are high in added sugar or fat, but provide little else (eg, candy bars, chips, cakes, cookies, donuts, and regular soda)
  • Serve reasonable portions and then allow your child to have more if they are still hungry (serving too much food encourages overeating)


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your teen. About 45% to 65% of your calories should come from carbohydrates. Encourage your child to choose healthy carbohydrate-rich foods, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and milk. Limit foods that are high in refined flour or added sugar, such as white bread, non-whole grain crackers, cookies, juice, and soda.


Your teen needs protein to grow and repair and build muscle. About 15% to 25% of your teen’s calories should come from protein. Poultry, lean meats, shellfish, eggs, soybeans, legumes, and low-fat and low-fat dairy products are good sources.


Teenagers need between 25% and 35% of their calories as fat. Fat from food provides the essential fatty acids that are necessary for proper growth. It also helps transport fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and maintains healthy skin. Your teen’s fat intake should come primarily from healthy fats, such as those found in vegetable oils (eg, canola and olive oil), nuts, avocados, olives, and fatty fish (eg, salmon, sardines and tuna).

Vitamins and minerals

Studies show that many teens, especially girls, don’t get all the vitamins and minerals they need. If you feel your teen’s diet isn’t as “balanced” as it should be, ask your pediatrician about vitamin supplementation. You can also serve fortified cereal for breakfast.


Most teens don’t get enough fiber. High fiber diets tend to be lower in total calories, fat, and cholesterol than diets that are low in fiber. In addition, studies show that a high fiber intake can help prevent heart disease and some types of cancer. Fiber can also help prevent constipation and increase feelings of fullness after a meal. To make sure your teen is getting enough fiber, teach him to choose whole grains over refined grains, and encourage him to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Physical activity

Although not a nutrient, physical activity is a key component of a healthy diet. Encourage your teen to be physically active every day. If necessary, set limits on the amount of time they watch TV or use the computer. Any physical activity helps, whether it’s participating in a sport at school, taking dance lessons, throwing rings in the driveway, or walking to school. The ways to be in motion are endless.


Encourage your teen to start the day with breakfast. Studies show that children learn best when fueled by breakfast, yet most teens skip this important meal. Ideally, you should include foods from different food groups. While your son or daughter may not have time to sit down for breakfast, here are some options that can be eaten without sitting down:

  • Drinking yogurt and whole wheat toast
  • Fruit smoothie and granola bar
  • Whole grain cereal with milk or yogurt
  • Breakfast sandwich with egg and cheese

For those who prefer non-breakfast foods, leftovers and sandwiches are good alternatives.


Due to their high energy needs, most teens should eat two to three snacks a day: mid-morning, afternoon, and perhaps one at night.

While you can’t control the snacks your child eats when you’re not home, you can send them a healthy snack for breaks or before sports practice. Some ideas include:

  • fresh fruit slices
  • yogurt to drink
  • low fat granola bars
  • Whole Grain Crackers with Sliced ​​Cheese
  • string cheese
  • Warm cheese on whole wheat bread
  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • Sliced ​​raw vegetables with low-fat dressing
  • Whole Grain Pretzels
  • trail mix
  • Hummus and pita bread
  • Bagel pizza
  • Whole Grain Frozen Waffles
  • air popped popcorn


Encourage your teen to buy healthy lunches. If you send lunch, listen to your child’s comments and try to ensure a healthy and balanced meal. Even if your child doesn’t eat the healthiest food for lunch, eating something is better than nothing.


Although it can be difficult to eat dinner together, try to do it at least a few times a week. Research shows that kids who eat dinner with their families tend to have higher-quality diets than those who don’t. A healthy dinner includes whole grains, vegetables, lean protein and low-fat dairy, and sometimes dessert.

  • Encourage your child to eat at least two snacks a day, one mid-morning and one after school. If your teen is involved in sports or after school activities, pack something for her to eat before school.
  • Most teens eat too much unhealthy fat, added sugar, and salt. Shop for healthy options like fresh fruit, vegetable chunks, whole grain pretzels, whole wheat crackers, low-fat granola bars, fresh whole wheat bread, frozen yogurt, low-fat milk or soy milk, seltzer, and flavored water. Break the habit of eating less healthy snacks such as chips, cookies, juices (unless they are 100% natural), and sodas.
  • Try cooking at home. Home-cooked meals tend to be healthier and lower in calories, fat, and salt than restaurant meals.
  • Involve your teen in meal planning, shopping, and preparation. The more involved you are, the more likely she will be interested in trying the food he prepares.
  • Eat together as many times as you can. Try doing it a few nights during the week.
  • Talk to your child about eating healthy and why it is important. Emphasize the immediate benefits (eg, it will help you excel in school, run faster, throw the ball farther, have better skin).
  • You should be careful with excessive diets and eating disorders. If your child engages in unhealthy eating behaviors, such as following different diets, regularly skipping meals, using laxatives, or vomiting after meals, express your concern. It is also recommended that you consult with a doctor or a school counselor.

With information from wnyurology

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