I’m going to Alexandria now on my feet without guards • Al Marsad newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: The Egyptian artist, Mohamed Ramadan, responded to the former governor of Sharkia, following his solidarity with the “Alexandria Does Not Welcome You” campaign.

Ramadan said, in a video he posted on his Facebook account, “The former governor of Sharkia supports an Alexandria campaign that does not welcome you, Mohamed, Ramadan. Tickets, although he still has 17 days left.”

Ramadan continued his attack on the former governor, saying: “Sweet medicine, Mr. Governor, I am going to Alexandria, it does not welcome you, Muhammad Ramadan, I am going now and I am going to Alexandria at once, and may God appreciate us and enter every area in Alexandria today.”

And he continued: “Does your honor, when the people ask for something, do you like me today, go down the street, and ask the poor, are you really upset regarding this or not?”

He continued: “I heard that Alexandria does not welcome me, and I am descending to Alexandria now on my feet, and there is no guard for the children of Adam.”

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