Information you do not know about prostatitis, a disease of men

Monitor newspaper: Prostatitis It is a common disease among men, affecting about 10% of them.

The prostate is a small gland that is part of the male reproductive system, and it has an essential function in determining a man’s fertility.

Types of prostatitis

Scientists have identified four types of prostatitis, namely:

Chronic inflammation or chronic pelvic pain syndrome

acute bacterial infection

Chronic bacterial infection

Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis

Symptoms of prostatitis

Symptoms of prostatitis vary depending on the type and cause of inflammation. Sometimes affected people do not have any symptoms, and the doctor may diagnose this condition by chance when conducting tests for urinary tract diseases or reproductive system disorders.

But men with chronic or acute bacterial prostatitis share a set of symptoms, including:

Pain in the penis or testicles

Urgency to urinate

pain during urination

Pain during intercourse

Presence of blood in the urine


According to doctor site The risk of developing chronic prostatitis increases if a man:

Older: Men between the ages of 50 and 59 are three times more likely than men between the ages of 20 and 39.

Has other conditions that cause abdominal pain, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)


When diagnosing prostatitis, the doctor resorts to a set of tests, including:

1- Examination of the rectum with the finger

Where the doctor wears a glove and inserts his finger into the rectum to check the prostate for swelling

2- Urine analysis and culture

This test is required to look for germs and for any urinary tract infections

3- blood test

The doctor orders a blood test to measure the levels of the prostatic carcinogen, as high values ​​of it indicate an enlarged prostate or cancer.

The doctor may order an additional set of tests such as cystoscopy to confirm the condition of the urinary tract, as well as ultrasound imaging to examine the prostate gland and make sure that there are no stones or abnormalities in it.

Prostatitis treatment

Treatment for prostatitis depends on the type of inflammation:

1- Acute prostatitis

It is treated with pain relievers and antibiotics, but if the patient is unable to urinate, there is a need to go to the hospital.

2- Chronic prostatitis

Treatment for this type is aimed at controlling symptoms, so the doctor may recommend taking pain relievers or antibiotics and

Laxatives if defecation is painful.


The spread of inflammation to the prostate gland can be prevented with prompt treatment of a urinary tract infection.

It is also recommended to consult a doctor when feeling pain in the area when sitting or having difficulty urinating, as remedial steps can be taken before the infection worsens.

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