Island with More Deer than People: The Battle to Protect Crops and Forests

2023-10-01 23:02:00


In Yeonggwang-gun, Jeollanam-do, there is an island with more deer than people.

As hundreds of deer caused serious damage to crops and forests, island residents who could no longer bear it filed a collective complaint to the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission.

It seems like a wise solution is needed.

This is reporter Jeong Jae-woo’s report.


If you take a boat from Yeonggwang, Jeollanam-do, you will reach Anmado, an island with about 140 residents.

It is not difficult to see herds of deer running in groups of twos and threes.

As the deer population increases to hundreds of deer, crop damage is greater than anything else.

[강용남/전남 영광군 신기리 이장 : “고구마를 심어서 한 4~5년 동안을 제가 하나도 못 해 먹고 말았어요. 그물을 다 덮고 그래도 소용이 없어요. 그냥 막 발로 파갖고 주둥이로 해서 다 먹어버리는데….”]

In the 1980s, a livestock farmer raised about 10 deer to obtain deer antlers and abandoned them, causing their population to increase and become wild.

Everywhere on the mountain turned into bare ground.

[장진영/안마도 청년회장 : “묘도 막 다 파헤치고, 산도 다 갈고 막. 그러니까 사슴을 어떻게 없애야지…지금 섬 보시면 섬이 다 깎였어요 많이. 민둥산처럼 돼 버렸어요.”]

When food became scarce, the deer swam to five islands near Anmado Island to settle down.

According to the Livestock Act, deer are classified as livestock and cannot be caught carelessly.

[김삼중/안마도 개발위원장 : “사슴, 염소 이런 것은 전부 가축으로 들어가서 법 제도상 총포로 잡을 수도 없고….”]

When the Civil Rights Commission conducted a survey, 73% agreed that if damage is caused by wild livestock in isolated areas such as Anmado Island, it should be designated as a ‘harmful wild animal’.

61% supported capturing them with firearms, and 83% supported strengthening punishment for those who abandon livestock.

However, there were also opinions that it was not appropriate to solve a problem that started due to human error by infringing on the lives of animals.

The ACRC announced that it has been seeking a solution with the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and Yeonggwang-gun since last month.

This is Jeong Jae-woo from KBS News.

Video Editing: Jo Wan-ki/Video Provided by: Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission/Graphics: Park Mi-joo

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