“It destroys the integrity of the game”, one of the biggest WoW streamers violently criticizes Blizzard for having pirated WoW Classic…

2023-12-30 19:00:00

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Four years after its official release, WoW Classic continues its journey to offer a legal alternative kept up to date by Blizzard to the modern version of its famous MMORPG, World of Warcraft. Except that things quickly took a particularly disastrous turn in certain respects. The alarm bells have already been sounded many times by players, but nothing helps… so perhaps the involvement, even minimal, of a famous content creator could push the publisher to make things happen !

Asmongold criticizes Blizzard and its management of “bots” in WoW Classic

For things to happen in World of Warcraft, it is not uncommon for the involvement of a content creator or site specialized in a given matter to be necessary (or for the editor to be spammed for months on social networks ) without which Blizzard does not really deign to take an interest in the question. This is less the case today, especially on Dragonflight in fact, but this old trend still continues despite everything, and this is regularly observed.

With this in mind, Asmongold, one of the most popular streamers on Twitch and known in particular for his strong interest in World of Warcraft, recently reacted to a video published by N_Tys on Twitter in which he reports proven facts of “botting” in WoW Classic Era and Season of Discovery. And, for once, he was particularly scathing towards the American publisher, even calling him “incompetent”.

What Asmongold criticizes in this video, and he is far from being the only one to say it, is the lack of resources allocated to the active and automated fight against cheaters, “bots” as they are commonly called. . These “bots” are in fact players exploiting certain flaws in the game in order to most often get big profits in the form of gold coins: steal in an area where this should normally be prohibited, farm plants and minerals for entire days without having to disconnect, and many others.

Because it is cheating, these automated systems are prohibited by Blizzard’s Final User License Agreement and are often punished by a generally long, if not permanent, ban. Except that, if a few years ago things changed in order to greatly limit the impact of these cheats on the modern game (although this is debatable), the previous versions are now their preferred target…

A scourge as well known as it is minimized on WoW Classic

If for some people discovering WoW Classic with the Season of Discovery this phenomenon seems lunar and punctual, this is not the case. The WoW Classic servers have been polluted from the start by hordes of cheaters ruining their economy, including on Wrath of the Lich King Classic. To see this, simply create a character in any small populated kingdom and type “/who La Botanica” or “/who Hellfire Ramparts“, you will notice that around ten, if not more, Death Knights or Thieves with very dubious names are there at any time. Everyone knows that they are bots, and this is not the case. This is only a very small minority of those present on each of the Classic versions of the game.

In response to accusations, each more virulent than the last, of passiveness towards cheaters and in the face of generalized fed up, Blizzard has recently chosen to communicate more regularly about the large waves of bans being undertaken at the time. regarding fraudulent accounts. We are then regularly told that “180,000 accounts have been banned” to reassure us… but the reality is still very present: these accounts are banned too slowly, so they have time to be profitable and when one one is deleted, others are created from the income generated by the one who has just been banned, and so on.

Like the Lernaean Hydra, cheaters seem unstoppable in WoW Classic and even have a dramatic impact on the server economy in Hardcore Mode. On Wrath of the Lich King Classic, you only have to level up a secondary character to realize the disastrous state of the game: out of 68 levels on a PvP server (Sulfuron), I never encountered something other than bots performing the same actions in a loop once attacked. Once killed, they come back to life and resume the route to which they were assigned before stupidly stopping as soon as they are attacked, and repeat.

Why isn’t Blizzard fixing the cheater problem in WoW?

Unfortunately, Blizzard seems too inclined to minimize this very real threat to World of Warcraft. Many players are absolutely disgusted and no longer want to invest: “after all, why play if you can cheat with impunity ” are words that we hear more and more regularly from some Classic players.

The exact motivations for such passivity towards cheaters are not known, obviously. Some speculate by regularly evoking the idea that the money generated by these thousands of fraudulent accounts would be beneficial to the company, allowing them to benefit from a “free pass” to generate money before being banned. “for form”. Others assume, like Asmongold, that the American editor is simply incompetent.

Finally, there are those, like us, who think that Blizzard is not allocating resources in the right places and shooting itself in the foot, one after the other. Like PvP which is truly left for dead despite calls for help from the community, everything seems to be done to give a good impression by announcing a few bans or new detection systems from time to time without ever trying to dig deeper. . We are given the impression that things are moving, except that in reality Blizzard managers could well estimate that the ratio of money invested/money earned would be too low in the short and long term on these subjects.

These are just theories, but one thing is certain: this will have to change in the near future, one way or another. The situation is getting worse day after day on Classic servers and many are considering returning to the private (and illegal) servers of Blizzard’s MMORPG because of this.

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