“It’s like an angel”: Amber Heard hired a private detective to blame Johnny Depp and failed | TV and Show

The controversial trial faced by the American actors does not fail to provide background information on the defenses. Now, an interview conducted by a British newspaper has resurfaced, where it is revealed that Amber Heard hired a private detective last summer to gather evidence against Depp, however, the man was unsuccessful.

In the middle of the trial for defamation faced by the actors, it was revealed that in last northern hemisphere summer Paul Barresi, a private detective, was hired by Heard for collect information and possible witnesses to support your complaint against Johnny Depp.

However, the investigation would not have turned out as Amber Heard expected, since After interviewing more than a hundred friends and people who knew Depp, the private detective would not have found any evidence or background to blame him for domestic violence..

According to information provided by Barresi himself to Daily Mail of the United Kingdom, despite searching the world for evidence to support Amber Heard’s version, could not find anything.

“I went to America, France, Italy, Britain, everywhere Johnny Depp went, I couldn’t find a case or even an admission of him physically abusing a woman. She is like an angel. No one said anything derogatory.”Heard’s private detective told the newspaper.

To this Barresi added: “I interviewed dozens of people who had known him for three decades, and no one had a bad thing to say about him. In fact, they couldn’t express enough how generous he was.”.

The researcher was in charge of interviewing make-up artists and directors of films in which Depp participatedwhich cataloged it as “a love”.

The evidence found against Depp

However, when he asked Paul Silver, assistant director from “City of Lies”on whether Depp lost his temper, he said: “All artists have a bad temper”.

What Barresi did deduce from the actor’s environment was that he had many loyal people around him, but no real friends.

In addition to this, he classified his circle as “strange and disgusting”as after interviewing his tattoo artist from over 30 years ago he told him: “The only thing I’d be willing to help that gold digger bitch do is load whatever gun she wants to blow her brains out with.” (sic), he stated.

Regarding the detective’s statements, Amber’s legal team assured that: “Mr. Barresi has not been involved with Ms. Heard’s team since he was fired last year, and his account is completely inconsistent with the testimony of multiple witnesses.”they held.

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