Learn all about symptoms, causes, treatments and prevention

We all have someone who left colon cancer too soon. Here are our tips that tragedy NEVER happen again!

Colon cancer like you’ve never seen it before!

In order to distinguish the different intestines, the specialists of anatomy have a habit of renaming the bigger one this way. This term is not to be taken lightly since it is the place where the storage of your waste takes place. Moreover, at the very end of the latter, is also the rectum. When you have colon cancer, the investigations start there. Today, Objection wishes to approach it from a reassuring angle. By giving you the signs preceding this health tsunami as well as the methods used afterwards, you will take the right steps without losing your temper. Because every minute counts… Let’s go, follow the guide!

Some symptoms

When you have trouble going to the toilet, you should not always fear colon cancer. However, the thickness, color or even the presence of hemoglobin in them should make you realize that something is wrong. Associated with this, the patient loses weight at full speed and has no appetite. Tired permanently, he deserves that we are interested in his case.

Know how to differentiate the stages of colon cancer

As if to find one’s way evolution of colon cancer, experts refer to a scale. Useful to explain to the patient the rest of his file, Objection suggest that you jot it down in a corner of your mind. As you can imagine, zero is the easiest to treat since it is located in the rectum. If ever the layer of tissue becomes infected, we go to the first one. From the second phase, the large intestine is now concerned. It is only at the third level that the three sympathetic ganglia arise. Finally, in the fourth and last stage, we deplore that the metastases attack other organs nearby (or not). For example, if you find that your skin tone has turned yellow, this is a sign that the liver is trapped.

All about polyps

When we think of a exam dedicated to the detection of colon cancer, this is done under general anesthesia. The day before, we put you to work. A painful preparation awaits you, the objective of which is to empty the large intestine. Even if it seems difficult, you absolutely must submit to it. The more the doctor will identify polyps, the more it will give him valuable clues about the rest of the operations.

QUID of adenomas

Adenomas are tricky. They takes the appearance of the lining of the large intestine. Alas, once scientists analyze them more closely, they show their true colors. And there, it is often the drama since they would be responsible for colon cancer.

Genetics plays tricks on us

Has a family member had colon cancer? This information is crucial. This is Why children or nephews/nieces should in turn check the condition of this part of the body regularly. Fortunately, in the press or on the Web, a prevention campaign is organized in the spring. Baptized Blue Mars, this communication operation aims to warn of danger. Supported in time, you can get by… CQFD!

Pay attention to food

Because of the importance of the intestine, you absolutely must watch the contents of your plate. On the Web, the families of the sick (in remission or not) have completely revised their copy. For Objection, a diet that reduces fiber and saturated fat should be enough to keep colon cancer out of your life. When it comes to red meat, it’s better to ask your butcher for a nice cut than to grab the latest promotion from the supermarket. Often transformed, there is nothing good in this piece. Finally, for those who love to party, please, out of respect for your orgasm, limit your alcohol consumption.

Why do people have colon cancer surgery?

As its name suggests, the polypectomie occurs after the examination described in the previous paragraph. It consists of removing all the nasty things present in the large intestine. By submitting to it once a year, the probability of the appearance of colon cancer is reduced.

However, if your doctor treated send you to see a surgeon, that’s a bad sign. Rest assured, the latter is used to handling the large intestine gently. Besides, it will only remove the nasty tumors or a part too damaged by colon cancer. Thanks to a meticulous technique, before closing, he can also decide to intervene on the other nearby organs. Its leitmotif is to clean your anatomy.

If we talk to you about endoscopy, don’t be scared by this famous tube. Light, camera, it has the necessary elements for identifying and removing diseased tissue. It’s not the biggest part of colon cancer, but the tip of the iceberg.

Finally, there are two methods surgical. First, paroscopy targets the abdomen. This is usually where the largest and therefore easy to detect polyps are. As for the palliative, it only intervenes if any other manipulation is impossible. Intended to soothe the patient of colon cancer, we cross our fingers that he clings!

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