Lee Ji-hye diagnosed with heart disease after giving birth to her second child and confessed to divorce crisis

Broadcaster Lee Ji-hye revealed that after giving birth to her second child, she was diagnosed with an incurable heart disease and was thinking about divorce.

The story of the couple Lee Ji-hye and Moon Jae-wan was revealed in the SBS entertainment program ‘Same Bed, Dream Season 2 – You Are My Destiny’ (hereinafter ‘Same Bed, Dream 2’), which was broadcast on the 2nd. On this day, Lee Ji-hye went to the hospital to have her heart checked. The doctor referred to Lee Ji-hye immediately after giving birth, and she said, “She suddenly had symptoms of her edema and shortness of breath, after giving birth to the child.”

He was referred to a cardiologist because of sudden symptoms. The cause was heart failure. At that time, through the examination, water was found in Lee Ji-hye’s lungs and thrombosis was also found. Now, three months later, her condition has mostly improved. However, the doctor said she had “her heart disease intact” and that she “had already had heart disease before her pregnancy and childbirth.”

Lee Ji-hye was embarrassed, saying, “There were no symptoms,” but the doctor said, “The symptoms appeared during pregnancy and childbirth. The heart may gradually increase.” Even if she takes medicine, it is not that she is cured, but that she maintains the status quo. She revealed that she was upset, saying that she “she has to take her medicine for the rest of her life” and that she “must be healthy for her daughters…”.

On this day, Lee Ji-hye also talked with her husband, Moon Jae-wan, saying, “Didn’t I say that we should divorce?” She said, “I’ve been frankly thinking about whether I love her brother,” she said.

The couple’s quarrel was due to a personal YouTube broadcast. Lee Ji-hye said, “The reason for a fight is that my brother always crosses the line,” she said. She added, “Isn’t your brother saying, ‘Don’t do it, I don’t do it’ these days?” she added. Moon Jae-wan said, “I felt that my wife was ignoring me.” Still, she vowed, “I’ll do better.”

[김소연 스타투데이 기자]

photo| SBS broadcast screen capture

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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