Lidl Customer’s Curious Receipt Causes a Stir on Twitter: From Expensive Purchases to Unusual Products

2023-05-14 14:59:14

Again and again people show experiences from supermarkets and discounters in the social media. A Lidl customer now shared his curious receipt.

Munich – A Lidl customer went shopping for himself and his family and his own dog. As a result, he just wanted to show on Twitter how expensive food has become. Instead, other Twitter users wondered about an article on the Lidl customer’s receipt.

Lidl customer shows receipts from expensive purchases – and feels like at Edeka

Increased food prices are a problem for many people in Germany. In addition, supermarket customers sometimes have to deal with misleading price labels. Also 2000 euros for apple bags confused a Lidl customer. Another Lidl customer now posted his receipt after the weekly shop. Below he commented: “Does anyone else know that Edeka feeling when you stand at the checkout at Lidl after shopping for 5 people + dog for the week?”

What he was getting at was the total purchase of almost 200 euros. As a discounter, Lidl is usually known for low prices, but when making expensive purchases, the customer felt like they were in a regular supermarket, such as Edeka. Some Twitter users understood the customer’s desperation. “It used to cost 200 DM for a six-person household. Today that’s utopia, you can confidently convert it to 400 euros.” Other users were troubled by something else on the receipt.

“What are scalp sticks, please?” – Lidl customer with an unusual purchase

At the bottom of the receipt was an unusual product: “Dude bib, what are scalp sticks please?” asked a Twitter user. “Is it scalp sticks?” wondered another. Below that, the user posted a picture of what he imagined: It was a head massager.

A Lidl customer published this receipt on Twitter. The “scalp sticks” post caused some controversy.

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The Lidl customer quickly explained what kind of unusual product he had bought. But he made fun of it beforehand: “The insider tip for the morning protein smoothie. No, it’s for the dog. Stinks but she likes it.”

Rubric list image: © Screenshot/

#Lidl #customer #posts #receipt #asks #scalp #sticks

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