Living like a toddler could be the key to well-being – 2024-04-10 01:10:34

Experts say that, despite their tantrums and whims, little ones are full of energy, curiosity and laughter, and have a lot to teach adults.

When it comes to happiness and living well, we can learn a lot from young children.

Wait a minute: this makes sense. Hasan Merali, an associate professor of pediatrics at McMaster University and a pediatric emergency physician, has treated thousands of patients ages one to five. in his book Sleep Well, Take Risks, Squish the Peas: Secrets From the Science of Toddlers for a Happier, More Successful Way of Lifewrites that this age group has an undeservedly bad reputation.

“A term I really dislike is ‘terrible twos,’” Merali told me, referring to phrases used to describe children that age. “Or ‘terrible three’. “Can you imagine if we labeled another age group that way?”

Yes, he said, toddlers throw tantrums, but research suggests they occur, on average, once a day and last three minutes.

The rest of the time, Merali said, young children are models of well-being. She shared some good habits, common among under-fives, that can improve their mental and physical health.

Talk to yourself positively

Young children tend to train themselves out loud, a practice known as private speech (like this popular clip of a 4-year-old snow surfer).

Young children aren’t shy about talking about themselves, Merali said, and you shouldn’t be either. Research indicates that for adults, positive self-talk can help with problem solving, learning, confidence, and emotional management.

I told Merali that I usually speak harshly to myself, but that I would try to replace it with phrases like: “Yes, we can.”

Take advantage of any opportunity to move

Two-year-olds are active nearly five hours a day, according to a review of 24 studies. They move joyfully and instinctively, Merali said.

Adults can look for ways to move more, even if it’s just for a minute. Take a quick walk around the block or schedule a meeting to walk instead of sit. If you’re home alone, do what Kelly McGonigal, a health psychologist at Stanford University, has called “full-body karaoke,” singing and moving to her favorite song.

Short bursts of activity have been shown to increase longevity if they add up to 10 minutes a day. Standing for three minutes every half hour can also help control blood sugar.

He can also find ways to be with young children, “an unmatched happiness,” Merali said. (The non-profit organization Generations United has a national database of intergenerational programs and activities).

According to experts, talking positively to yourself like children do can help you solve problems, learn, have confidence, and manage emotions. (Free Press Photo: Shutterstock)

Ask questions

Young children aren’t afraid to ask questions, Merali noted. One study revealed that they asked an average of 107 questions an hour. (This won’t surprise your parents.)

I’ve written a few children’s books, and my favorite part of reading at the library was the question time: “Have you ever been to the moon?” “Can you turn into a cheetah?”

We adults have been socialized to hold back our questions because we are often worried about what others think, Merali said. But asking questions not only helps us gain information, it is also an important way to build relationships.

Fix your sleep schedule

Kids love routine, and having a consistent sleep-wake schedule will help, too, said Alberto Ramos, a sleep neurologist and researcher at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.

If your schedule allows it, and you feel the need, napping also has a number of benefits, such as sharpening thinking and reaction times and improving memory.

As long as you don’t suffer from insomnia, which can be made worse by a nap, Ramos recommends a short nap—20 to 30 minutes maximum—early in the afternoon.

Look for opportunities to laugh

Young children “see the world as a comedy club,” Merali wrote. According to one study, young children laugh six times more than adults. But we can look for ways to incorporate play and humor into our daily lives.

listen to a podcast comedic or exchange silly messages with someone, Merali said. Studies show that we laugh more when we are with friends, so let’s make time for them.

“Every day they send me a ‘dad joke’ in the mail,” Merali told me. “And during my lunch break, I watch videos.”

#Living #toddler #key #wellbeing

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