Mango: A Tropical Delight with Health Benefits and Nutritional Value

2023-06-20 16:30:19

Mango is a fruit from the mango tree (Mangifera indica), of Asian origin, which not only delights our palate with its sweet and exotic taste, but also offers many properties and benefits for human health. The benefits of mango make this exotic fruit a real gem.

Mango, is it good for health? Widely cultivated and marketed, the mango contains a large number of compounds that give it antioxidant properties that prevent neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases, nutritional properties that maintain a balanced and healthy diet. Mango also contains a lot of fiber which gives it digestive properties.

Want to know more about this delicious fruit? Don’t miss this article Mango: benefits and harms of Projetecolo, in which we explain to you what are the virtues of the mango and what are its contraindications.

Good reading !

Mango – fruit

The mango is the botanical species fruit Mangifera indica, which belongs to the Anacardiaceae family. This tropical evergreen plant is grown in different warm and subtropical regions of the world. The mango is native to India and Southeast Asia, where it has been cultivated for thousands of years. It is a medium to large tree, which can reach up to 30 meters in height. It has a straight trunk and spreading branches, covered with gray, rough bark. The leaves are alternate, elongated and glossy dark green, with a leathery texture. The mango produces small fragrant flowers which are grouped in inflorescences called panicles. These flowers are pollinated by insects or by the wind, and then give fruit. The mango is a drupes, that is to say, a fleshy stone fruit. The color of its skin can be green, yellow, red or a combination of these colors. The mango is appreciated for its tropical flavor and distinctive fragrance. It is a versatile fruit that is eaten both fresh and in various culinary preparations. Mango is rich in vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin A and other antioxidants.

Mango Properties


What are the benefits of mango?

Let’s see what are the benefits of mango:

antioxidant : the consumption of mango helps to neutralize the free radicals responsible for aging and various degenerative and cardiovascular diseases, and even certain types of cancer. Mango is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as ascorbic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and beta-carotene and contains phenolic compounds with antioxidant action.Reduces the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases : thanks to the large amount of antioxidants it contains, mango can reduce the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in young people, thus reducing the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases.Stimulates the digestive system : thanks to its high fiber content, mango helps maintain the health of the digestive system by promoting good bowel regularity and preventing constipation. Additionally, mango fiber acts as a prebiotic that nourishes many beneficial bacteria in the gut and promotes a balanced gut microbiota.Strengthens the immune system : mango contains vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E which strengthen the body’s defense system against infections and allergies.Improves vision : rich in vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin, mango provides essential nutrients that contribute to healthy eyes. Vitamin A is essential for retinal and corneal health, while lutein and zeaxanthin act as powerful antioxidants that protect eye tissue from harmful free radicals and blue light. Studies show that these compounds reduce the risk of chronic eye diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

Note that the benefits of dried mango are similar to these. Dried mango is higher in fiber and antioxidants than fresh mango. It is also more convenient to carry and has a longer shelf life.

Now that we have seen the health benefits of mango, let’s see if mango skin is edible!

How is a mango eaten?

Peeling a mango is a crucial step in enjoying its sweet and juicy flesh. In this paragraph, we will discover how to effectively peel a mango to reveal all its exotic flavor. Plus, we’ll answer the burning question: can mango skin be eaten?

Can the skin eat it?

Mango skin is generally not eaten, as it is thick, fibrous and contains indigestible substances. The edible part of the mango is the juicy flesh that lies under the skin. It is recommended to peel the mango before eating it to enjoy its sweet flavor and pleasant texture.

Eat mango skin

The skin of the mango is not edible, but it is generally left for an easier tasting of the fruit.

How to peel a mango?

Place the mango on a cutting board and hold it firmly. Using a serrated knife, cut it lengthwise, following the outline of the mango core. This will give you two mango halves. Take one of these halves and make lattice cuts in the cheeks without reaching the skin. Gently squeeze the skin outwards to empty the mango cheeks. And you can eat the mango directly or cut it into cubes if you prefer. Repeat with the other half.

Mango Recipes

There are many mango recipes. Here are a few :

Mango ice creamMango Quinoa SaladNo-Oven Mango CakeThai Mango Sticky RiceMango JellyMango MousseMango Cream

Mango Harms

Mango is generally safe for most people when eaten in normal amounts as part of a balanced diet. However, it is worth keeping in mind the harmful effects of mango:

Allergies : Mango causes skin reactions, itching, rashes, swelling or difficulty breathing in people allergic to mango.Skin irritation : Contact with mango skin, especially the sap, may cause contact dermatitis in some sensitive individuals, resulting in redness, itching and burning sensation.Excess consumption : mangoes are high in sugar and calories, which can contribute to weight gain excessive if consumed in large quantities.Digestive effects : It contains fiber and enzymes that may be difficult for some people to digest, causing bloating, gas or intestinal upset.Pesticide content : like many fruits, it may contain pesticide residues, which can pose a health risk if consumed in large quantities or if not washed properly.Drugs interactions : certain compounds present in mango can interact with certain drugs. It is therefore important to consult a health professional before consuming large quantities of mango, if you are taking specific medications.

How do you know if a mango is ripe?

To check the ripeness of a mango, use your senses! Look for a bright color, a slightly soft skin to the touch, a sweet scent at the end, and firm but slightly tender flesh when pressed gently.

Benefits of mango leaves

Mango leaves have many health benefits. They are rich in antioxidants, which help fight against free radicals. They are also known for their anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antidiabetic properties. Additionally, mango leaves may aid digestive health and regulate cholesterol levels.

How long does the mango tree take to bear fruit?

The mango tree generally takes 3 to 6 years to produce fruit.

Eat a mango in the evening

Eating a mango in the evening can be a great option. Mango is a delicious and nutritious fruit, rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is also a source of dietary fiber beneficial for digestion. However, if you have trouble sleeping, avoid consuming foods that are too sweet late at night. It’s best to eat them earlier in the day to allow your body to digest before bed. Know that in diets, mango is a key food!

mango and stomach

When mango is eaten, the stomach produces digestive enzymes to break down carbohydrates and fiber in the mango, making it easier to absorb essential nutrients. Once digested, the mango brings a feeling of satiety and contributes to a healthy digestion.

mango and constipation

Fiber helps promote digestion and prevent constipation by increasing stool bulk and making it easier to pass through the digestive system. Consuming mango regularly can therefore help maintain a healthy intestinal transit.

How many mangoes per day?

There is no official recommendation on how much mango to consume per day. However, as with any fruit, it is advisable to eat a variety of different fruits to benefit from a balanced diet. You can include mango in your daily diet by savoring it in moderation.

Now let’s see how many calories a mango contains.

Nutritional value of mango

A mango contains approximately 150 calories.Fresh mango provides about 60 calories.The mango contains little protein.It is rich in vitamin C, providing about 60% of the recommended daily requirement.It is also a good source of vitamin A, vitamin E and B vitamins.The yellow mango is a variety popular known for its sweetness and intense flavor. It also contains dietary fiber beneficial for digestion. Mango is rich in natural and nutritious carbohydrates.

weight of a mango

The average weight of a mango generally varies between 200 and 300 grams.

Mango weight without stone

A stoneless mango usually weighs between 150 and 250 grams. When the pit is removed, the edible weight of the mango is reduced. In general, the edible weight is about 60-80% of the total mango weight. This means that a pitless mango would weigh around 60-80% of the total weight of a whole mango. For example, if a whole mango weighs 300 grams, the pitless mango weighs around 180 to 240 grams.

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If you want to read more articles like Mango: benefits and harmswe recommend checking out the Healthy Eating category.


Wall-Medrano, A., Olivas-Aguirre, FJ, Velderrain-Rodríguez, GR, González-Aguilar, A., Rosa, LA, López-Díaz, JA, & Álvarez-Parrilla, E. (2015). “Mango: agro-industrial aspects, nutritional/functional value and effects on health.”

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