Medical advice for people with influenza.. Follow this step immediately

American centers Disease control and prevention known as"CDC"the person confirmed to be infected with the flu He should not mix with others, so as not to infect them.

And the American Health Authority adds that a person with influenza must stay at home until 24 hours have passed since the disappearance of symptoms that accompany the disease, such as a high temperature.

Accordingly, the person’s initiative to isolate himself from others and not mix with them as much as possible is the first and most important thing that should be done by a person who has contracted the flu.

A person with influenza can leave his home if his body temperature drops on its own and he does not have to take a cold Medication until it returns to a normal level.

Symptoms of influenza include feeling tired, coughing, and congestion in the field. A medical examination can be done to confirm infection.

The infected person should not go to the workplace or to other shopping and entertainment stores, and experts recommend avoiding travel and attending social events.

And in the event that the infected person is forced to go out, such as going to the hospital, for example, he must follow some preventive measures, because the latter are not limited to epidemics such as "covid 19".

Experts advise a person with influenza to wear a protective mask, and if he sneezes or coughs, it is better to do so while putting on a tissue, and the patient must wash his hands constantly due to the viruses attached to them.


According to American centers For disease surveillance and prevention known as “CDC”, the person who is confirmed to be infected with the flu He should not mix with others, so as not to infect them.

And the American Health Authority adds that a person with influenza must stay at home until 24 hours have passed since the disappearance of symptoms that accompany the disease, such as a high temperature.

Accordingly, the person’s initiative to isolate himself from others and not mix with them as much as possible is the first and most important thing that should be done by a person who has contracted the flu.

A person with influenza can leave his home if his body temperature drops on its own and he does not have to take a cold Medication until it returns to a normal level.

Symptoms of influenza include feeling tired, coughing, and congestion in the field. A medical examination can be done to confirm infection.

The infected person should not go to the workplace or to other shopping and entertainment stores, and experts recommend avoiding travel and attending social events.

And in the event that the infected person is forced to leave, if he goes to the hospital, for example, he must follow some preventive measures, because the latter are not limited to epidemics such as “Covid 19”.

Experts advise a person with influenza to wear a protective mask, and if he sneezes or coughs, it is better to do so while putting on a tissue, and the patient must wash his hands constantly due to the viruses attached to them.

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