More men on parental leave: between desire and reality 2024-02-21 19:16:21

Z“It is money,” wrote Benjamin Franklin more than 250 years ago in his book “Advice for Young Merchants.” But not when it comes to your own children. Then time is worth more than anything else, after all you can’t get it back.

So that parents can take time for their child after the birth, parental allowance was introduced in 2007 to compensate for a lack of income. Parents are entitled to basic parental allowance for 14 months after the birth if both take part in the care. The months can be divided freely; one parent can take a minimum of two and a maximum of twelve months. The basic parental allowance corresponds to 65 percent of the caring parent’s net income before the birth, but a maximum of 1,800 euros per month.

Parental Allowance Plus and the partnership bonus have also been available since 2015. Parents can receive Parental Allowance Plus for twice as long as Basic Parental Allowance if they return to work part-time after the birth. With the partnership bonus, up to four additional months of Parental Allowance Plus can be claimed, provided parents work part-time between 24 and 32 hours a week for two to four months at the same time.

#men #parental #leave #desire #reality

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