NHSO joins “Stop Tuberculosis” to support strategy Thailand free from tuberculosis year 2035

March 24, World Tuberculosis Day “NHSO” joins “stop tuberculosis” to speed up the search for patients in high-risk groups cured ready to support strategy Thailand is free from tuberculosis in 2035, revealing that by 2021, more than 80,000 TB patients are treated with TB drugs.

Dr. Jadet Thammathatchaaree, secretary-general of the National Health Security Office (NHSO)NHSO.) revealed that the dayworld tuberculosis (World Tuberculosis Day) falls on March 24 of every year. set up to make people aware of the problem tuberculosis that continues to spread in many countries around the world and is the causediedof about 1.6 million people per year

especially the 3rd world countries which previously World Health Organization (WHO) have grouped countries withThe burden of tuberculosis is high.of the world (WHO global lists of HBCs for 2016-2020), starting from 2015, there are a total of 14 countries, of which Thailand is one of the 14 countries with the burden of tuberculosis.

However, on June 17, 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced a new ranking of countries with the highest burden of tuberculosis in the world. Thailand is no longer among countries with high number and rate of multidrug-resistant TB. This means that Thailand is freed from 14 countries with a high burden of tuberculosis. World Health Organization was organized in 2015

This is another step forward in the success of TB operations. Although the number of drug-resistant TB cases in Thailand is reduced and not in the 30 countries with the burden of the world’s problems. But tuberculosis is still an important problem in Thailand.

Therefore, in order to solve the problem Department of Disease Control has driven strategic operations towards goals end tuberculosis of Thailand to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, in line with the End TB Strategy in 2035.

NHSO.Ready to support. In 2021, the benefits of tuberculosis screening by chest radiography have been increased. or pulmonary tomography (CXR) and to diagnose tuberculosis by molecular biology (Molecular assay) to expedite screening Find and diagnose tuberculosis in7 risk groups at the Department of Disease Controlset free of charge together with

1. Household contacts or close contacts of pulmonary tuberculosis patients

2. Prison inmates Residents of Protection and develop the disabled or the homeless protection center

3. HIV-infected

4. Patients with diseases that weaken the immune system, such as diabetic patients who cannot control their sugar levels. Patients with chronic kidney disease or receiving immunosuppressive drugs

Elderly people over 65 years of age who smoke or have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or diabetes.

6. Substance users chronic alcoholism

7. Public health personnel working in hospitals entitled to national health insurance

In terms of service results According to the National Health Security Performance Report for 2021, 81,719 TB patients were treated with TB drugs, and intensive TB cases were searched inhigh risk group The lungs were X-rayed among 291,146 inmates and exposed groups of tuberculosis patients and brought into treatment.

“Until now, all sectors have worked together to reduce the TB incidence rate in Thailand. Use a search strategy to end up missing. Emphasis is placed on finding TB patients and bringing them into treatment and follow-up to be cured as quickly as possible. to prevent the spread of infection to those around you However, is it possible to reduce the rate of new tuberculosis cases? It requires cooperation from all parties to keep Thailand free from tuberculosis in accordance with the strategic plan that has been set,” said the NHSO secretary-general.

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