Nude pictures of men and women into space, target aliens … | Alien | Space | NASA | Science News | Malayalam Technology News

It has been a long time since man’s search for aliens began. Now the US space agency NASA has come up with a new way to catch aliens. NASA’s new strategy is to send nude pictures of men and women into space and attract aliens to Earth!

NASA hopes that if any aliens get images of humans, they will be more likely to come to Earth. The effort is part of NASA’s Beacon in the Galaxy (BITG) program. The project aims to bring humans into contact with aliens. A picture of a man waving his hand has been prepared for this.

‘Messages to aliens include basic mathematics and physics with the goal of enabling remote universe communication. Includes biological data on life on Earth. The message will also indicate the location of our solar system in the Milky Way. Jonathan Jiang, who led the study, said the message also included information about the Earth.

The BITG message is written in binary. This is in line with the notion that binary is closest to the universal language. These messages will be transmitted to the distant universe via the Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope at a radius of 500 meters in China and the Allen Telescope in the United States.

It includes pictures of humans and invitations to the earth, as well as details about the human race. At the same time, there are warnings from many quarters that trying to attract large numbers of aliens could lead to catastrophe. However, the NASA team is optimistic. Researchers believe that aliens that can locate the Earth through this message from the distant universe can recognize the importance of cooperation and peace.

English Summary: An Invitation To Earth: NASA Is Transmitting Naked Images Of Humans Into Space

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