Nutritionist Skalny named diseases that can be symptomatic of constant weakness

Lethargy is a very vague and not entirely medical concept that everyone understands in their own way. If we bring together all the described sensations and give a definition to this concept, we can talk about a state in which the level of energy is sharply reduced. A person is passive, slow, his movements are slowed down, he does not immediately respond to various stimuli, he feels a breakdown, an unwillingness to move, speak, show emotions.

Often, lethargy occurs simultaneously with weakness – physical and mental, accompanied by drowsiness, uncertain general malaise, disorders in the work of the autonomic nervous system.

If these symptoms occur from time to time, for example, against the background of a cold or after an exacerbation of a chronic illness, this is a completely normal body reaction. But if this is constant lethargy, what to do, what health problems to exclude? This question was asked by “Doctor Peter” to associate professor, candidate of medical sciences, nutritionist, nutritionist Vladimir Skalny.

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