On the campaign trail, Hotton went to a church in Solano and as he left his team was robbed in the truck.

2023-07-22 02:31:48

The candidate for National Senator for the Province of Buenos Aires, Cynthia Hotton and his team were attacked this Friday afternoon in the middle of the campaign tour in the match of Admiral Brown.

The leader of Más Valores and pre-candidate from Buenos Aires for Together for Change suffered this afternoon along with her entourage the attack of a man, who entered through the window of the truck in which they were traveling and he struggled with one of his assistants.

The robbery occurred in the town of San Francisco Solano, Almirante Brown district, after a visit to the Jesús es la Luz church.


“The impunity with which everything happened is incredible. Today it was our turn to experience what the neighbors tell us happens every day. In the Province of Buenos Aires, the neighbors have not lived in peace for a long time because (Axel) Kicillof and (Sergio) Berni turned their backs on them,” Hotton said in a statement.

In the midst of the tension, the thief managed to snatch the cell phone from Pedro Sepúlvedacandidate for senator from Buenos Aires for the sixth electoral section, for the space of Hotton.

“People in the Province live in fear. We have reached the madness that people live in barred houses and the jets are the owners of the streets and squares because of a government that is sitting idle,” he concluded.


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